Sonarr on Synology DSM

i currently use Sonarr (and Radarr) on a windows 10 server, however thinking about moving over to a synology NAS (DS1019+).

i see that people do use Sonarr on synology.
some via a docker and some via the third party package repository (synocommunity).

i assume there are no issues using the latest version on DSM? which method is the preferred method?
and is the update process (when new builds are released) the same as it would be in windows?

essentially i’d be moving everything over from windows to synology - Sonarr, Radarr, Jackett, Transmission, Sabnzbd, and the Plex server.

Sonarr 2 is fully supported on Synology, works fine, is pretty simple to setup, and updates properly within the browser.

I have just setup Sonarr3 inside a docker, and that was fiddly for several hours as I figured out how to configure it properly, but now is up and running and looks like a great update. It is not supported with Synology package center. so you have to do it yourself (or install it in docker as I did).

Since the Synology is always going to be somewhat resource constrained, I suspect the Docker solution is overall the best. More hassle up front, at least at first, but you have a lot more control over the RAM and CPU that can be used. And I say this as someone who really hasn’t done a whole lot with Docker (my main server platform is FreeBSD, so…).

Hi…Sonarr doesn’t start anymore after the update to DSM 6.0 on Synology NAS. It seems like Sonarr itself isn’t the problem, but the mono version Sonarr needs. Luckily there’s a mono version for DSM 6.0 and we just need to make Sonarr use it.

Docker on synology all the way!

No disrespect to the people maintaining the native packages, but if you set it up properly you never have to look at docker again. The synocommunity package is regularly behind or broken in some way (usually after a DSM update, or mono, or both). That was my experience a few years back, and haven’t looked at it since docker was available on my syno as an official package.

And yes, I let sonarr update itself inside my docker container. Haven’t had any issues with it ever.

im running all of those on a DS2411+ with 3gb ram in docker and while its not exactly what youd call speedy, its not that slow either, and i dont have any issues with them.

i assume there are no issues using the latest version on DSM? which method is the preferred method?
im on DSM 6.2.1-23824 Update 4 and using docker so you should be fine.

i prefer docker just so i can isolate the app from the OS and the data. it makes it super robust in that OS changes wont screw up the app, nor will app changes screw up the OS. if your OS isnt running the right versions who cares, everything the app requires is in the image

im not sure what its like in windows but there are multiple ways to do it in DSM. you can either use the DSM docker gui to upgrade the image and rebuild the container, or SSH into the NAS and run the actual docker commands, or write a script, or use docker-compose, to do the same thing

i guess that’s the important bit - “setting it up properly”.
as i have zero experiecen of docker or synology (or linux) then i’d hope there is a step-by-step walkthru of setting it up ? :slight_smile:

I can whip something up tonight or tomorrow, it’s quite easy in the synology GUI :slight_smile:

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i look forward to reading it !

Ah, shit, should have done this a couple of days ago. Damn holiday festivities…
makes note for himself to do this in the upcoming weekend

to add to this, the folder structure i have set up on the NAS is

/Volume1/data/media/Live Comedy/
/Volume1/data/media/TV Shows/

the “media” folder is where all the content resides (for Plex etc)
the “downloads” folder is where all “in progress” downloads go (from transmisison, sabnzbd etc)

well i think i got it set up as required.
just not sure about the mount points that are need (in referene to the folder structure above).
any pointers?

/Volume1/data/media/Live Comedy/
/Volume1/data/media/TV Shows/

Create only one mount in each docker for media files, /data Which points to /volume1/data. Not any of the subfolders! The subfolder(s) the specific application needs, you have to select in the applications itself, starting from the /data mount.

Most guides or the docker hub pages tell you to create /downloads and /tv mounts for example. Those are all not required by creating the single /data mount, and allow sonarr etc to perform file moves rather than slow copy them across different mounts.

The second mount will be /volume1/docker/<app name> mounted as /config or however the docker image specifies it. This is where the app stores data that needs to survive when the docker instance reboots or is upgraded. In sonarr’s case, using the lsio dockers, this is indeed /config and it’s where sonarr will store its database etc.

So under /volume1/docker you need to create a directory for each of your dockers, so they all have a nice separate area for storing permanent files (other than the mount for media files, that is permanent too ofcourse).

OK so for Sonarr i would have

/config mounted to /volume1/docker/sonarr
/data mounted to /volume1/data

and the same for Radarr too (chaning the folder name of course)?

what mount points would i set up for Transmission and Sabnzbd?
i had tranmission configured and tried a manual torrent download, however even though transmission showed it had downloaded the file it was nowhere to be seen anywhere on the NAS.

this is what i’ve set up in Sonarr


Sonarr looks good to me :slight_smile:

For radarr, transmission and sab: basically the same two mounts…
Once inside the application, you’ll have to assign the individual folders like /data/downloads/usenet/ for sab, etc.

OK sonarr and radar seem to be running fine.
sabnzbd also fine.

however, transmission i can’t seem to get working properly.
torrents start downloading, but they don’t seem to be downloading into the folder, they just seem to disappear into the ether (even though the progress bar plods along and eventually completes).

/data/downloads/torrents remains empty thru-out.
the .torrent file appears in /docker/transmission/torrents (which is mounted to /config/torrents).

i made sure the settings.json file had /data/downloads/torrents in the “download-dir” and “incomplete-dir” set.

so not quite sure what’s going on there.

Can you try to download a torrent (manually send whatever to transmission), and check the location when you right-click the torrent > Set Location?

That might give a pointer to see what’s going on.

Following this post, i have the exact same problem and can’t get it to work either…

Maybe some useful info you can find in this thread.


it says “/data/downloads/torrents”
which appears to be correct, but that folder remains empty.

edit - oh wait. for some bizarre reason (after changing nothing) it now appears to be populating that folder correctly.

that is very strange.

i think the trick may be to set up docker, then stop it, manually update the settings.json file to suit, then restart the docker.