How to resolve show matching an alias on TVDB?

I have some UK shows I watch that have variants (XL or Uncut) - same episode but longer/uncut versions.

For example QI (TVDB ID: 72716) also has QI XL (TVDB ID: 369316). Same series numbering, etc… I have QI added in Sonarr and it shows alternate titles of “Alternate Titles BBC QI (Quite Interesting) BBC QI”. Recently it will not download new episodes with this note on the manual search:
"QI matches an alias for series with TVDB ID: 369316".
And the title says unknown scene number:

        Scene Info 
        Unknown episode or series.

I can manually download a release and it correctly moves, renames, etc.

Is there a way to accept the alias as part of the series?

I read the FAQ and it mentions adding the series to, but it’s not on there and registrations are closed.

Mono Version
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

I forgot that I hadn’t updated to v4, so I just did that in case it works differently. New info:
.NET Yes (6.0.13)
Database Sqlite 3.37.2
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

Thanks for letting us know, that alias has been removed from 369316.

Having a similar issue with Yu Yu Hakusho.

  • Yu Yu Hakusho matches an alias for series with TVDB ID: 413737

This will be fixed as soon as caches expire.

Trying to satisfy my kid, I’m trying to get “Teletubbies (2015)” (ID: 413398), but it seems that “Teletubbies” (ID: 72662) has a matching alias

Removed this alias.

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I am experiencing the same issue with the series ‘Top Boy’.

There is a 2011 release and a 2019 release.

The 2019 release (ID: 439718) is mismatched with “Top Boy 2019 matches an alias for series with TVDB ID: 253138”

I’m facing the same issue atm
Cardfight Vanguard overDress (400398) matches an alias for series with TVDB ID: 245821
Support here would be great! Thx!

There is a 2011 release and a 2019 release.

The 2011 series actually contains the episodes for the 2019 series, given the 2019 series wasn’t added until September of 2023 it appears to be a duplicate that should be cleaned up by TheTVDB.

Best to contract their support and we can update if they decide that the 2019 series is a standalone series.

For anime you will need to reach out to TheXEM mods either on IRC or Soanrr’s discord.

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