Windows Network Copy - Access Denied

Hello, after recently switching from SickBeard I have been very impressed.

I have however noticed an issue for series where Sonarr have created the folder in the TV directory. (I am running Sonarr on Synology)

For those directories, when you try to copy files into that particular folder via Windows Network, it gives you the error “Destination Folder Access Denied - You need permission to perform this action” however, you can never get the permission.

I have confirmed when you look at the properties of those particular folders within the Synology DSM file station that they are actually owned by “nzbdrone” and not “guest” like the other folders.

This makes me think that this is the root of the problem. Now, I can go into every folder every time Sonarr creates a new series and reset it back to being owned by “guest”, however, I was wondering if there was a better way to do this to prevent the manual intervention or if anyone else has solved the issue another way?

Hope this long story makes sense, if not, let me know and I can post more!

Are you trying to fix it in the *nix layer, or in DSM?

Same applies to other users who need to access the folders.

I am trying to fix it in DSM and yes I installed the packages via SynoCommunity. I can change the permissions of the sc-media group as you suggested.

But, I am not sure if it will fix the root of the problem. See, I am trying to copy within Windows, from the computer to the network share of DSM. However, when Sonarr has created the folder (new series) it has taken ownership of the folder/files as the owner is “nzbdrone” so when you try to write to that particular folder, it isn’t allowed.

When Windows is connecting to the Synology share, it connects by default as the “guest” user, which does not have permission to write to the folder as “nzbdrone” owns it…

Perhaps if I add the user guest to the sc-media & sc-download group it will work?

Just give “guest” rights on the series folder directly in DSM. Otherwise you’ll give unauthorized access to way too much of your file system.

And you could always just make a map a network drive in windows and use whatever credentials you want. Then you just copy them to z:\ for example.

Guest have rights to the entire TV folder, but, as I said, when Sonarr have created the folders within the program, it has made them owned by “nzbdrone” so guest cannot access them anymore.

I think the developers will need to look at another way when they create the directories when you add a new series to the program. That way, this won’t happen to Synology users…

I am still having troubles with folders that Sonarr create by itself. The folder is owned by the user “nzbdrone” in DSM/Synology.

This causes the guest user to not be able to copy/delete or do anything to that folder that Sonarr (nzbdrone) has created.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can make the guest user more powerful than nzbdrone in Synology?

This got a little mixed with another topic as I thought they were different issues, but, somewhat intertwine. Here is the fix that appears to be working, for those who find this thread and may need help:

For those out there that have a similar problem, this is what I have done:

In DSM; disable the guest account and add an account specifically to access the Synology sharing system via Windows network

Control Panel -> Shared Folder -> Right click on the share -> Action -> Convert to Windows ACL

Initially I changed the permissions of my user that needs access via the Windows share:

Control Panel -> Shared Folder -> Right click on the share -> Edit -> Permissions -> Set to Read/Write (or Custom) and add everything except “Change Permissions” (This may not be needed, read/write does work)

Initially I needed to change to custom as above and then when I changed back to normal read/write it just worked. So it is difficult to tell exactly what allowed the permissions.

This is also a tutorial that Synology support suggested with some pictures:

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