Will sonarr ever get imdb and tvrage back?

Hi I know sonarr had imdb and tvrage that it could search episodes from, I was just wondering if it will ever get it back, its quite annoying not being able to use sonarr for some tv shows because The tvdb sucks.

We’ve never supported IMDB or TV Rage. TV Rage isn’t any better than TheTVDB, both do things slightly different and have their pros and cons, but we have no plans to support series and episode information coming from TV Rage, thexem.de can be used to fill in anything thats conflicting.

Ahh, though I remembered that you could search with the IMDB: prefix but I guess not. But anyways how would I go about using thexem.de for the pokemon series that tvdb has wrong?

You could add a series by imdb ID (which trakt had), but there was little use for it so we removed it when we dropped trakt after their API fiasco.

Best bet is in #xem on Freenode (IRC), but this is a recent post about it: Episode guide for Pokemon is off

what would be the best way to handle shows like wwe monday night raw where the tvdb doesn’t update anymore?

I would say register with thetvdb and start updating it, you will not only help yourself, but I can guarantee someone else as well. I do this for a few shows, even if it is just for me.

EDIT: I’ve seen the error of my ways…

That’s a really bad suggestion, considering tvdb disallowed sports.

That said, there’s no way to properly do sports in Sonarr, even if tvdb had it, it would be suboptimal. Sports regularly requires special handling similar to specials, even more so for events vs episodical sports.
That doesn’t mean we’re against it, but I believe it should be a different series type, like Anime. Still, doing sports in Sonarr properly likely requires a dedicated developer + sports aficionado.

Crap… I didn’t even think about it being a sport…