What is the scene? Why are episodes sorted using scene mappings?

I had s02e07 of Transport:The Series download overnight, but NzbDrone labelled it as s07e08.

There’s something about Scene in the log, which is confusing me:

14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'Transporter.The.Series.S02E07.720p.HDTV.x264-2HD'
14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. transporterseries - S02E07 
14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for Transporter.The.Series.S02E07.720p.HDTV.x264-2HD
14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: HDTV-720p v1
14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: 2HD
14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|ParsingService|Using Scene to TVDB Mapping for: Transporter - Scene: 2x07 - TVDB: 2x08
14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|AcceptableSizeSpecification|Beginning size check for: Transporter.The.Series.S02E07.720p.HDTV.x264-2HD
14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|AcceptableSizeSpecification|Item: Transporter.The.Series.S02E07.720p.HDTV.x264-2HD, meets size constraints.
14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|CutoffSpecification|Comparing file quality with report. Existing file is HDTV-720p v1
14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|QualityUpgradableSpecification|Existing item meets cut-off. skipping.
14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|CutoffSpecification|Cutoff already met, rejecting.
14-11-10 08:45:06.2|Debug|LanguageSpecification|Checking if report meets language requirements. English

Why and how does scene override the episode in the name of the download ??

Sonarr uses thexem to map episode downloads to dvd/tvdb order, see http://thexem.de/xem/show/1652


Seems a very confusing way of doing it.

Who determines what episode is which?

Can it be ignored in Sonarr, so that episodes are imported by the downloaded name?

scene/tvdb, not dvd/tvdb.

Whomever puts it on thexem.de.

No, Sonarr sorts it to TVDB numbering, so episodes can be picked up by XBMC and Plex. It also makes sure they have the proper title for the content (otherwise they would be labeled wrong).

It must just be Transporter:The TV series, as I had issues with the first season as well.

IMDB and TVDB aren’t the same and it’s difficult to see what each episode is without watching some if it.

It explains why episodes 5 & 6 downloaded last week, only for Sonarr to name them as 2 & 3 - thought I was going mad.

In the end, I had to manually check them, name them correctly and move them into the season folder.

Nor sure why episodes are mis-matched so much.

What sort of contact do you have with the people at thexem ??

The episodes that have downloaded have been “themed” by Sonarr, via thexem, but they are not correct.

If you check Transporter:The Series in thexem and against IMDB/TVDB etc., they are not correct.

I assume you get the list of the episodes from TVDB but then rename them based on the thexem website.

The season 2 episodes in Wikipedia, DO NOT match what Sonarr is renaming them as.

For example, episode 8 was downloaded last night, but Sonarr renamed it as episode 10, but according to Wikipedia, isn’t due to be aired until November 30th. Episode 9 hasn’t aired yet, so how can episode 10 exist !!


Episode 4 has been named as episode 2
Episode 7 has been named as episode 3

etc., etc., etc.

If you check the episode order in Trakt &TVDB, the default information is in aired-order, but it should be in DVD order which then matches the correct aired dates.

Please could you take a look and respond as this could affect other TV shows.

It would be nice to have the option to IGNORE thexem.

Many thanks.

Our level of contact doesn’t really matter, since they run the site, but don’t oversee what is added/what is approved (I along with others in Sonarr’s IRC are moderators there) and I have talked to the admins of thexem, but its not something we do regularly.


They are grabbed based on the “scene” numbering, then renamed to tvdb numbering for compatibility with Plex/XBMC.

What wikipedia says doesn’t matter at all to Sonarr, appears to represent what the scene does, not tvdb (and by extension, not trakt or Sonarr).

If we did that releases wouldn’t be grabbed in some cases and if they were grabbed they would be numbered wrong, so the information shown in Sonarr, Plex or XBMC would be completely wrong for that episode.

Thexem maps things to TVDB aired ordering, not DVD ordering. Trakt and Sonarr do not support DVD ordering at this time.

Transporter is correct on thexem, you’re examples are correct, but your thinking that it should work backwards from what it really does. It is a complex mapping because the scene and tvdb disagree on the episode numbering as well as the season numbering.

I’m going to use the episode what was released yesterday (Nov 16th) as an example, you can use the example to confirm the other episodes if you wish.

TVDB - S02E10 (Shows it airs Nov 16, 2014)
Scene - S02E08 (Released Nov 16, 2014)
Xem - shows a connection from Scene S02E08 to TVDB S02E10 (hover over either of those episodes to show highlight the connection and make it more obvious)

Why do you think thexem is wrong in this case?

Themed = Scened.

thexem has to be wrong, as according to Sonarr, episode 10 is in my library, but episode 9 hasn’t even aired yet.

So you’re saying that TVDB and Trakt are incorrect ?

If you look at the DVD order on TVDB, it matches the correct air date.

Occasionally people may upload a TV episode and name it incorrectly, but not multiple times.

I had problems with Season 1 of this TV show and now having similar problems with Season 2.

No, I’m saying they are correct (they follow the information from the network), I’m saying the scene is “wrong” and thexem corrects it so it can be grabbed automatically. I use “wrong” because they’re in disagreement, in this case its super confusing.

Since the DVD hasn’t been released this just seems to be a place for people to put the scene ordering, which isn’t correct (it’d likely be removed if tvdb was made aware).

This is less about being uploaded incorrectly and more to do with a disagreement (whether intentional or not) on which order the episodes are released. TVDB follows the original network, the scene follows something else.

Looks like the underlying issue has been covered on the TVDB forums: http://forums.thetvdb.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12267 (TLDR the scene follows the air order in Germany, while TVDB is following the production order).

Whether you agree with the numbering or not, in this case you’re going to have to ignore the ordering and rely on the mappings already in place. Using tvrage as a data source might solve this issue, (Plex and XBMC would show the wrong info), but thats not something Sonarr currently supports.

So is thexem used BEFORE Sonarr looks for downloads, or does it get used after the downloads and during the renaming/moving process in Sonarr ??

What is “scene” again ?? TLDR ??

Seems there is another thread on TVDB: http://forums.thetvdb.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=20380

I saw that tvrage seemed to have it correct - will you be supporting tvrage any time soon ??.

Thanks for replying though - I’ll wait till they all download and then go from there I think.

Scene = release groups, in general.

I was the one who put this show on TheXEM. The start of season 2 as the scene was releasing it didn’t match the order TVDB used. If you look at the episode titles in TVDB they should match the episode title for the episode that Sonarr downloaded.

IMO the key here is not in supporting TVRage because TVRage isn’t always right either. The key would be to allow for different sorting methods, which is probably very complex. Either way: the episodes that get downloaded get the right meta data and are downloaded on the right date. The date shown for each episode is correct as well. It’s just the numbering that’s weird. Next week’s episode will be episode 5 on TVDB/Trakt/Sonarr, so it’s going to see s02e09 and handle it as s02e05. If it’s really an issue and you use XBMC, you could of course handle the sorting in there.

I did just update TheXEM, because when I made this TVRage had the same ordering as TVDB. Now that TVRage changed to match the scene instead, I’ve had to change some things. :stuck_out_tongue:

So what does that mean to the episodes already downloaded, if anything?

I am a MediaBrowser user, not XBMC/KODI.

It doesn’t change anything there, it just links in tvrage.

Pretty sure Media Browser uses tvdb from series/episode data so thats the order you will want it in.

Everything you might get your metadata from probably uses TVDB. Seeing scene episode 2x09 as 2x09 will only result in wrong metadata for you. Seeing it as 2x05 gives you the right metadata but will mess up your ordering. Blame the scene and/or TVDB for not getting the ordering right. At least the way it is now, you get the right episode when you’re supposed to get it.

I moved 3 posts to an existing topic: Star Wars Rebels downloads sorted wrong [FIXED]