Star Wars Rebels downloads sorted wrong [FIXED]

Starting this week, sonarr is importing episodes as the prior week’s episode.

i.e., S01E04 gets renamed and imported as S01E03.
S01E03 gets renamed and imported as S01E02, etc.
…and S01E04 gets renamed and imported as S00E09.

Nothing unseemly in the logs.

You can test this by adding the series and putting a fake file in the drone folder.

EDIT: Never mind. I see that’s just how “they” do it. Apparently thexem was updated recently to reflect the new numbering.

It is not fixed. It just put episode 6 into the episode 5 slot. And BTW, I leave the renaming turned off.

Thats how its mapped:

It lines up via absolute numbers, so scene S01E06 is S01E05, but with renaming off the file names will be mixed up, it doesn’t disable TVDB sorting.

FYI: says episode 6 aired Monday 11/06. I have always trusted tvrage, I have never heard of I’ll just have to manage that series manually I guess.

[] ( (which Sonarr uses and which gets its data from disagrees with tvrage (which is what the scene typically follows to number their releases), this is a pretty common conflict, which is why exists.

You don’t have to do anything to let this get handled automatically, you will just need to ignore the episode numbers on the indexers and rely on the information that Sonarr is showing you, which will work with Plex and XBMC without changing anything. is considered canon for this show. TheTVDb (and by extension and Sonarr) try to use the most official source for numbering/titles/etc. They’re not concerned about how “unofficial” copies of shows are labeled, nor should they be.

Spark of Rebellion is considered a movie special setting up the series, which begins with Droids in Distress as Episode 1.

Sonarr handles this via Thexem under the hood. In other words, stop thinking about it and don’t worry about what the scene or any other site thinks. This is why we have computers :smile:

something is messed up:

Episode 1-8 downloads scene release s01e01-8, exact mapping
Episode 9 downloads scene release s01e10
Episode 10 sees the scene releases for s01e10 but wont download them, if you do a manual search, it shows up as ep10 in download client but sonnar shows ep9 in the activity tab. It will copy over and replace episode 9
Episode 11 downloads scene release s01e11

Scene s01e11 should map to EP10 in sonarr

Thexem hasn’t been updated yet. You busy? :wink:

is it user generated/maintained?

I’m having a similar issue where it will download the current episode as the next episode. It’s getting frustrating because I have to manually download the correct episode and rename it to the correct version to make Sonarr stop downloading. Just recently it downloaded Episode 11 A Call to Action as the next episode 12 Rebel Resolve so I deleted it. Any ideas as to what might be causing the problem?

Thexem hasn’t been updated yet. You busy? :wink:

Scene switched due to stupid nukes and changed to match what thetvdb has now :smile:

I believe it started with episode 9 (pre was 10, got nuked). 9 released “REAL” then 10 came out as 10…

Fun times!


Yeah, the scene really has their heads up their butts on this one. For E11 you either get E11 or E10 depending on who ripped it. Less hassle to just turn off monitoring for this show and get them myself.

An old thread I know, but still relevant.

I am having issues with Star Wars Rebels episodes being named incorrectly after download.

I mean incorrectly, as the episodes are being named by Sonarr, probably in conjunction with, but the episode name is at the end of the episode and 5 or 6 of the episodes have been named incorrectly.

I am having to manually check the videos and then naming them correctly.

Not sure I can supply (m)any logs, as they have occurred over the last few weeks and I have only just noticed them.

Is this a known issue with Star Wars Rebels ??


I think this particular show went down the drain in terms of numbering right about S01E10… :unamused:



I’d say pick the group that follows thetvdb closest, and use the tagging system to block releases from either YFN or QCF. I don’t follow this show so I can’t (be bothered to) figure out which one.

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I think you’re right @Thirrian.

Actually this thread is much more relevant than one thats been dead for over 3 months. If this thread didn’t exist a new thread would have made more sense.

My thread was related to and my previous issues with it.

So, Star Wars Rebels is screwed and manual intervention is required.

No worries, at least I know.

TVDB just changed it so now sonarr is messing up. It put the seige of lothar as a special now (correctly IMO) whereas before it was listed as Episode 1 of Season 2. So is there a way to fix this fix? Sonarr is now pulling in future episodes that are current weeks episode. It’s a real PITA IMO.

They didn’t “just” change anything. Disney and are inconsistent with their listings. There is no official numbering, so TheTVDb has locked one listing in place so it won’t keep getting changed back and forth.

This week’s episode (11/18) is labeled E07 by YFN & TVSmash and E06 by UAV &mSD, so how are you gonna fix that?

It’s best you unmonitor this show and manually search & import each week based on episode title because it’s probably going to be this way for the duration of the series.