Unknown Series (Anime) - Status?

I reopen this ticket to ask if there’s any improvement about this problem : Unknown Series (Anime)

encountered the same problem for no obvious reason :frowning:

Name of the Anime “Prison School”

I’ve also this problem for almost every Anime I try to get with BD quality.

FYI : I use torrent only

The previous thread is unrelated to this.

Its a poorly named torrent in this case, specifically the Volume before the episode number.

Ho I see! Thanks

Is there any way to bypass this kind of key word? I dunno through the series or indexer configuration?

It’s pretty common in Anime to have this word when it’s about Blu-ray release (or “Vol.”). Blu-rays are released a short time after the end of the TV diffusion, but diluted over a year not directly sold in a complete series pack. It’s build like a mini pack of 2-3 episodes per Blu-ray tagged as Volume like in a collection of classic Manga.

Unfortunately in this case there’s no brackets but only the keyword…

Thats the issue, if it was a single episode that would work to match with the absolute numbering, but if its multiple episodes Sonarr has no way to know that there are multiple episodes based on the release name so supporting Volume would be worse, the equivalent would be a Disk 1 release of a Bluray, Sonarr doesn’t know which episodes are on disk 1, so it doesn’t handle them.

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