Since the newest update, I’m unable to connect to OZNZB.
This is the error: Unable to connect to indexer, check the log for more details
The log says this:
NzbDroneErrorPipeline Invalid request Validation failed: – Unable to connect to indexer, check the log for more details 23:12
Newznab Unable to connect to indexer: Newznab error detected: Api Disabled: Newznab error detected: Api Disabled 23:12
I tried creating a new api - same error. Tried deleting and re-adding oznzb - same error.
Its right there in the logs: Newznab error detected: Api Disabled: Newznab error detected: Api Disabled there is a sticky in their forums about it, sounds like they are moving the API to a new URL too.
I just set up an unRAID server for my friend and I’m having an issue with Sonarr not connecting to my indexer. When I run the test, it indicates the test is successful and increases the API request on my indexer ( However, when I try to search for a show, it always returns “No results” and the API key count never increases.
I’m using newshosting browser as my dl client since SAb was giving me issues. I’ve installed sonarr, set it up according to the tutorial in the forum with a blackhole folder.
I’ve got my current oznzb API in for my indexer at both and I’ve got the blockhole folder set up to put the nzb’s in a folder that the newshosting client automatically checks and downloads, and then it checks another folder to ensure dl happened successfully. From what i can see everything is set up correctly, but i’ve got 35 files in queue, and no nzb files have been downloaded to the target folder.
When i check the logs from Sonarr I see “OZnzb.comhttps://www.oznzbcom/api?t=tvsearch&ca … =1&apikey=&offset=0&limit=100 Indexer responded with html content. Site is likely blocked or unavailable.”
Is this a common issue, a setup issue, oznzb api issue (saw there was one over the weekend) or a Sonarr issue? I’m just trying to get SOMETHING to help organize my shows other than a spreadsheet and thought this might be easier once it’s up and running.
My api count on oznzb shows 23 with no downloads so it’s not due to limits or plan settings that I can tell.
I’m still receiving the an error when trying to get anything to work with Sonarr. oznzb says it’s up and working but you have to enter in the new URL. I’ve refreshed my API key with them. entered in the url as the indexer and I’m still getting a warning in the logs.
It looks like others on the oznzb forums are having similar issues. Just making sure there’s nothing else I can configure or change to ensure everything’s working as designed.
I haven’t had a single nzb downloaded since installing sonarr (I installed it when the API was down so it could just be a coincidence but I want to make sure it’s not something else.)
I’m unable to connect as well even after changing the server address. According to the OZNzb forums, the API is up. I removed my API Key from the screenshot, but did verify that it is correct.