Unable to add torznab indexes from Jackett

Sonarr version (exact version): Sonarr Ver.
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Not sure its on a seedbox so maybe Linux?
Debug logs: https://pastebin.com/8bawvYKs
Description of issue: I have a seedbox set up with Sonarr & Jackett. RARBG through Sonarr is working fine, but any of the torznab feeds from Jackett are not working for some reason. I tested the torznab feeds through Jackett and they are all working. When I attempt to add it to Sonarr I get an error that says it timed out.

Since I am on a seedbox my debug files are full of shows and such that are not actually mine. I noticed on a quick scroll through

the sites that I am trying to add are 1337x,ETTV & TPB. As I stated earlier I tested all three of these sites in Jackett and they come back successful. I also went through a bunch of forum posts and tried any of the fixes for other peoples issues and have not had any luck. One said to check the API and mine is set to /api as it should be.

Any help would be much appreciated, honestly if I can just get 1337x working I would be satisfied.

I apologize if for any reason I have done something that I was not supposed to or posted this into the wrong location.

Thanks in advance.

You can search all the Jacket resources and return the findings to Sonarr using this.

http(s) and localhost works and setup Newznab search too!


Thank you for your reply. I have tried doing as you stated above and I immediately get an error
https://pastebin.com/3T5tkVKp These are my new debug logs

Just to clarify that I did the proper thing I went to settings>indexers>+>Torznab Custom & entered the information above

Am I supposed to just copy and paste the above URL or input some other information from my seedbox?

Sorry if I am asking stupid questions.
Thanks again

You did just fine… I don’t see any errors but the searches are no finding anything… When you add the Indexer for Jackett does it test good? Something is not connecting to and returning searches.

BTW: The only stupid question is the one you don’t ask…

No, I get
“Unable to connect to indexer, check the log for more details”

Unable to connect to indexer: Error: ConnectFailure (Connection refused): '


this is the link to the log attached to the failure. Sorry PasteBin stopped working for me for some reason

Information update: The OS is Ubuntu server 16.04

Might be going out on a limb here but it seems to me that you’re not going to the same port your jackett is listening to, if it was a firewall thing then you shouldn’t be able to test it ok. You’re copying the link that image points to?

For me jackett is listening to a different port than the above so if you’re verbatim trying what @Mr-Quinn posted that might be an issue as well. Possibly.

Thank you for your reply! Someone on the IRC chat had said the same thing but I ended up having to leave the chat. How do I go about checking what port my seedbox is listening to? Lets say I find that the port is 1111 would I just then use Mr Quinns link and just change the 9160 to 1111?

When I test the websites in Jackett it passes. How would I find what port Jackett is listening to?

Yes I am copying the link from that “Copy Torznab Feed” button

I tried to SSH into the seedbox with Putty but that doesn’t seem to work. In the FAQ of my seedbox provider it says SSH access is available.

Thanks again for all of your assistance, it is much appreciated!

Edit: I think Jackett is listening on port 23881 because all of my links have that after the seedbox address


But under the settings in Jackett it shows “Server Port” is 9117

In Sonarr under General it shows the port number as 8989 under the “Start up” section :exploding_head:

That would be it yeah. Curious that the settings show a different port, though.

When you add the Torznab indexer you have enabled RSS Sync & Search, and entered the API Key as well (the key is found in step 3 under “Adding a Jackett indexer in Sonarr or Radarr”)?

Yes I followed the directions to a T. Originally when I added 1337x it tested fine. A day or two later it told me that it was going to not use it for 24 hours because it was not getting results. I figured giving it time might help but it still wasn’t working. So I deleted it and attempted to re add it and now it always fails at the testing phase.

So since Sonarr is saying the port is 8989 should I try changing the Server Port in Jackett to 8989? It is very weird because my links all have a completely different port and I’m not sure how I go about rectifying that.

Edit: So I went into my seedbox and found the configuration files for both Sonarr and Jackett
Sonarr: https://pastebin.com/SDC1GrVU
Jackett: https://pastebin.com/YccAmvTG

I noticed that they both also have different API keys I’m not sure if that is supposed to be like that

If you mean the API key that is shown in the “General” settings area of the Sonarr settings then yeah those will be different, but the API key used on the indexer should be the same one Jackett shows.

wrt the port I am frankly not terribly sure. If you go to the indexer setting in sonarr, click on it then copy the URL that’s listed and paste it into a new browser tab you should see something like this

which is fine because the URL doesn’t have the API key in it, but it shows that jackett responds on that port and that URL. If you don’t get a response there then jackett doesn’t seem to be listening on the port you’ve set.

I do not have it set up in Sonarr because its never lets me save the indexer once the test fails but I took the link created by Jackett and I saw the same thing that you posted above in the image.

Hm, ok, so the URL (and thus port) is working and correct.


And the API key in Sonarr (above) is the same as the API key in jackett (below)


Sorry for being pedantic and asking again, just feels like there’s something obvious we’re missing here :slight_smile:

Nah man, its cool, I appreciate the help. Would you like for me to screen shot what the settings are so you can see what I am entering? I noticed your screenshot hid the information unless that’s just the way the images show up. I only see half of the image.

Edit: This is what I am inputting

OK been scrolling up and down to look at the urls and things and can’t say i’m getting any wiser.


…looks like things should be working. Just to make sure I tested adding it myself and as you see below on the right it worked fine. I’m guessing these aren’t running on the same machine? Maybe some firewall/routing related issue?

I’d set a password for your jackett installation even if it’s just public trackers, so you don’t end up one day forgetting and adding a private tracker or somebody decides to go into your jackett and mess up your installation, even I have a password and mine is locked squarely away on my local network :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean it is possible they are running behind a firewall. It should be on the same machine though at the seedbox I see it all under one directory “Apps” How would I find out about the firewall?

Okay thanks for the advice I will create a password right now

Easiest thing I guess is whether their IP address is the same, or the hostname. I suspect the host is slightly different, at least I don’t get a response on the port you posted from the config file above on the url your jackett installation is at.

Is there a way for me to find out that information myself? or do I have to just contact my provider and ask?

Does the url for when you go to sonarr start with http://nl3852.dediseedbox.com?

Yes its

Edit: My Jackett IP is