just updated to develop this morning and added a series “museum.secrets.revealed”
It grabed all the first season but seems stuck in Sabnzbd.
Sonarr tracked the download and sees the download still there… but give the following error
14-11-30 12:04:21.7|Debug|CompletedDownloadService|Tracked download status is: Warning, skipping import.
Nothing really around it to indicate why and gives the same warning for all 6 episodes waiting…
In the past I have seen in the logs at least a reason why, I think, at least it was not found and could not be imported or renamed properly
Anyway, started season 2 and will see what happens/
Hover over the icon in activity: queue., thought the ligsvshould say more than that (I’ll have to take a look).
Ok found reason, series title mismatch… in the queue hover tooltip, automatic import not possible. I knew I had seen it somewhere…
Phone keyboard fail!
What I was trying to say is, the log should log the reason, so I’ll take a look.
Hate that when it happens, I hate it when it takes a very good misspelled word and turns it into something else…
Anyway, knowing why is OK, It will sort itself out. I’m ok with doing it manually for now as other content has processsed ok.
If it’s the common name the series is released as you can add it to the list mentioned here: Scene Naming (TVDB Naming Conflicts)