For the past couple of days, I’ve noted my server not picking up anything. When I do a manual search, all torrents available show 0\0 for seeds\peers. If I manually add the torrent anyway, they finish quickly. There are peers\seeders, but nothing shows up to Sonarr, hence nothing adds. Is there anything I can do to resolve this?
I’ve been seeing the same thing. After a manual search if I add a torrent that I know, or at least believe, have a good number of seeds, even though Sonar reports zero seeds, the torrent downloads just fine.
I’ve also noted that if I wait until the next afternoon sometimes the found torrents show the correct number of seeders.
I wounder of KAT has changed some little something that Sonar uses for reading seed/peer numbers.
i can say, even looking directly on KAT, it is showing the same thing, so I don’t think it is a Sonar issue. I think they have change how things are showing up on their end of things
We’re considering adding an option to set the minimum number of seeds, but we’re not going to allow it to be set to 0 or a negative value, it doesn’t make sense under normal circumstances and we’re not catering a feature to a problematic site.
Kickass is still very slow on updating seed information for newly added torrents (it can take up to 6 hours ).
It seems most releases are failing to be snatched on kickass now because of this.
Before it would occasionally fail (it would take around 10 mins for it to update seed info) which is within the 15 min default rss sync time, but releases are usually posted multiple times by different users so something was nearly always snatched.
I can see minimum seeders being very useful when doing an automatic search/manual search which is likely to have older torrents, but for rss sync showing the latest torrents a bit of leniency on the number of seeders may be useful?
I am still receiving this error. A show that finished airing an hour ago has 6 torrents on KAT and all of them are showing seeding information on the main torrent page. In Sonarr however, they are showing 0/0 on every single release.
I even clicked the manual download button on one of them and it started downloading without issue in Deluge.
What could be causing this issue if KAT seems to have up to date info on their side of things?