Two Specials from two different series have recently failed to Automatically Search, Grab, Download then Post-process correctly, all other TV shows are operating as normal. Now I know that Specials are often poorly named and can cause issues and should fall back to searching based on the Episode Title as explained here yet it does not appear to be doing this based on below results (Improve Searching for Specials?).
In both instances I have had to perform a Manual Search and Grab. The Doctor Who Special also threw up a separate error which I do not understand “xGB is larger than the maximum allowed, Episode wasn’t requested”
Episode as viewed Sonarr: Doctor Who (2005) - 0x148 - The Husbands Of River Song Manual Search found: Doctor Who 2005.2015 Christmas Special.The Husbands Of River Song.720p HDTV x264-FoV
Episode as viewed Sonarr: Sherlock - 0x09 - The Abominable Bride Manual Search found: Sherlock.The.Abominable.Bride.1080p.HDTV.x264-MORiTZ
I was able to get Doctor Who Special to import by renaming the file to “Doctor Who S00E148.2015 Christmas Special.The Husbands Of River Song.720p HDTV x264-FoV” and then moving it to the Drone Factory Folder
I have been unable to import the Sherlock special no matter what I do. I have tried sitting it in my Completed folder and Drone folder with no success. I have tried the following names:
tt3845232 Sherlock - 0x09 - The Abominable Bride
tt3845232 Sherlock.S00E09.The.Abominable.Bride.1080p.HDTV.x264-MORiTZ
tt3845232 Sherlock.S00E09.The.Abominable.Bride.1080p
Sherlock - 0x09 - The Abominable Bride
UPDATE: I finally had success on the Sherlock episode using this name and by copying it to the Drone folder: “Sherlock.S00E09.The.Abominable.Bride.1080p”
I would have thought the above file names found in the manual search would have been enough to identify which Specials they belong to. Anyone have any ideas on that and the error with the Doctor Who ep?
yes thank you ! i had the same issue today with sherlock, but colony 1x01 was processed correctly afterwards. Sonarr did manage to grab automatically the special sherlock episode and once completed download it move it to the sonarr category folder but it just sit there and wait. Sonarr never pick up the episode in order to move it and rename it as it should.
As i don’t watch special episodes i don’t mind this glitch for the moment but i will be happy if this can be solved in the future
As I said the Doctor Who Special threw up an error "xGB is larger than the maximum allowed, Episode wasn’t requested"
I have not touched the Default file sizes for Quality Definitions so I have no idea what this message means.
The Sherlock Special also did not grab the file even though there was 10+ available. I have no Delay Profiles setup either.
You’re almost always going to have issues with specials.
xGB is larger than the maximum allowed, Episode wasn't requested means Sonarr wasn’t able to parse the episode(s) from the poorly named release, but found the series, a better error message for that case will be in the next release, but specials will continue to be a case that requires some manual intervention unless changes to how they are released happen (which is virtually no chance), since we try to process release names, but they keep coming up with things that don’t work well with it.
For Sherlock it could be a number of things, preventing it from being grabbed, but without debug logs of the RSS sync its impossible to say why.
Sherlock disappearing from the queue/not importing after being grabbed by Sonarr is very odd, at first look it looks like a bug, possibly only affecting specials, we’ll need to take a look at it.
I’ve just had the issue occur with a regular TV episode, Sonarr grabbed: The.Big.Bang.Theory.S09E12.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION
When the DL finished SAB created a folder "_UNPACK_The.Big.Bang.Theory.S09E12.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION"
File is visible within the folder but has not been post-processed at all. File is named: The.Big.Bang.Theory.S09E12.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION
Sonarr History has given the error “Unpacking failed, unable to find 293299.s00” yet the file is fine and plays with no issues?
Removed the file from the folder (didn’t touch the name), placed it in my Drone folder and voila, post-processed fine…?