Sonarr - Now with TVDB

Okay thanks, I’ll look into changing the episode to the right date on TVDB. I’ll wait and see what happens with the others and see if I need to fix on TVDB as well.

Just doublechecking here: you realize that “anything” in this case really is anything, right? I’ve actually seen a time of 25:30 once.

Yup! Pretty sure I’ve seen Seven PM entered.

Hi All,

I hate to admit that I watch this show, but The US version of The Apprentice, this one:

Doesn’t seem to also be listed in Trakt. But I can’t get it to be found when I search with

I don’t think there’s a way (today) to enter the TVDB series ID. So is there some way to get that show into Sonarr?

  • Thanx
  • Jon

Should be able to get it in search series using The Apprentice (US)

I found it.

Oh crap! That worked. Thanks! Wow, now I feel so dumb.

I don’t know why I get so many “script errors” - I’ll open a new thread for those…

  • Jon

For me all the time stamps in the calendar overview show 12 am regardless of which series it is and what day of the week… not sure why this is - anyone have any suggestions?

Did you run Update Library (or Update Series Info for each series) yet? That should pull correct air dates for all series. As suggested a bit up in this topic, post details about the series if you still see an incorrect air date after you have completed a refresh.

If you’re not on develop @Thirrian’s comments will be of no use as it only applies to develop at the moment.

Aha! Thanks @Thirrian and @markus101 - I had tried the refresh but wasn’t aware that it only applied to dev. Just out of curiosity - is there any ETA for us not on dev? (not that it really matters, just curious) :slight_smile:

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I moved 3 posts to an existing topic: How does Sonarr handle scene numbering issues actually work?

Hi , I have never been able to run NzbDrone properly.
If Ii try to add a serie I get this error :

[GET] Sercice Unavailable : /api/series/lookup?term=Banshee

Log says :

Component : TraktProxy
Message : REST request failed: [412] [GET] at []: REST request failed: [412] [GET] at []

Component : RestSharpExtensions
Message : [GET] [] Failed. [PreconditionFailed]

Any idea ?

version : 20140827-2 (on a Synology)

Please don’t respond to almost year old threads, open a new one. In this case you’ll find your answer in the original post of this thread (which was an announcement at the top of the list).

TLDR: Update Sonarr (there is a new Synology package as Sonarr).

The calendar fix is now in master for everyone to use, along with a bunch of fixes and improvements, part of our biggest update yet.

Great, thank you. It works now !

Thanks devs! The shows date updated perfectly tonight.

Is there any developement version so we could add our own providers ?

No. Something we’ll be looking at down the road.