Sonarr not importing (not folder rights)

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Win 11 21H2
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Not importing
I know there are a thousand threads here on this where Sonarr does not have folder access, my problem is not that.
Download is passed to SAB, it completes, gets put in ‘completed’ folder and stays there. Sonarr knows its complete. There are no errors in the log.
I know access is ok as i can do a manual import and that works.
Its just not auto-importing.

How are you verifying that Sonarr knows it’s complete?
Does it show in Activity: Queue in Sonarr?
Does it show in SAB’s history?

How are you verifying that Sonarr knows it’s complete?
Does it show in Activity: Queue in Sonarr?
Yes, and gets removed when DL complete, thats how i know 'arr knows its complete
Does it show in SAB’s history?
I only have history turned on for failed, but i see it in SAB while DL’ing

I should also point out that i had a perfectly functioning identical setup in Sonarr V2, these problems started after a clean install of V3

That means Sonarr never sees it complete, it no longer sees it in Queue/History so it’s removed from Sonarr’s queue (Sonarr’s queue is built from the download client’s queue/history + some pending items if applicable).

There’s the issue, because it’s not in history Sonarr never sees it as complete and never attempts to import it. You need to enable history for completed items so Sonarr knows when it’s ready to import.

Unless you were using another method for import with v2 (like the now removed Drone Factory), Sonarr’s behaviour would be the same in v2 and v3.

A post was split to a new topic: Sonarr Not Importing Completed Downloads from SABnzbd

Aha! many thanks, i knew it was something subtle but fundamental like that.

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