No change in configuration/settings have been made in quite some time… over the past week or two Sonarr has decided to queue up the exact same NZB 20+ times for many shows that it is monitoring.
What could be causing this issue?
The only updates that have been made on the system would be to Sonarr itself, sabnzb would be pretty much untouched.
The only reason Sonarr would redownload a duplicate is if Sonarr isn’t aware that the file has been completed and didn’t move the file, which would mean CDH wasn’t working and something else was sorting the files.
If Sonarr is operating normally it will automatically sort the files once they are completed and will not grab duplicates.
Should give an idea if this is what you’re asking for.
I delay my downloads until 2am, so it just sat queueing it over and over (downloading the NZB and putting it in sabnzb) until 2am came and it would normally download all of them. I think that Sonarr had no idea it was queued at all in the first place, so it kept searching and queueing. In this case I got to it and deleted the entries in sabnzbd but 2 still ended up downloading.
I disabled CDH, so as long as having that off will still ensure my process of:
sonarr finds ep > sonarr downloads ep and puts it in sabnzb > sabnzb downloads ep > sonarr renames and moves file
then I’m fine with it off, but I think whatever else is going on is still a problem because I haven’t touched my settings in months and this only started happening very recently.
In this case you want CDH enabled, since its actually being used.
Which download client did you setup in Sonarr? Blackhole or SAB?
How are the downloads being delayed in SAB? Using the scheduler?
Does Sonarr see the queued download when SAB is waiting until 2am?
A few minutes of trace logs from when Sonarr queues the first release would be helpful to see what Sonarr sees.
I am using SAB yes. The downloads are being delayed in SAB using its default schedule functionality to global pause/resume.
I’m not sure if Sonarr is seeing it - but as I had mentioned this.
I went into the download client settings and ran a test and it seemed to fail saying the category didn’t exist. In Sonarr it was set to “Nzbdrone” but sab was “nzbdrone”. It has been this way for well over a year with no issues so perhaps something you changed recently made this case sensitive. I suspect if the category didn’t exist according to Sonarr, it wouldn’t see the stuff in SAB. Does this make sense?
I’ve remedied this and will see how it goes. Won’t be able to tell until some new files start queuing.
I’m also seeing issues with duplicates downloads, no config changes recently running with CDH enabled. I have sonarr logs I can provide but it doesn’t look like there is anything obvious in them, just that it sends the same episode to my queue every 15 mins or so, all of which fails in SAB with the same Aborted, cannot be completed error.
I’ve also got logs during this time if that helps. Like I said this is happening for several series. I’ve had to turn Sab off for now because it was burning through my bandwidth.
What does the activity for that episode in Sonarr show?
Are all the releases from the same indexer?
Based on the errors in SAB the sizes are all different, which is one of the pieces of information that Sonarr uses to determine if the release is blacklisted (Release name, size, release time and indexer are all used in various ways).
If Sonarr sends a NZB to SAB and it fails Sonarr will blacklist it and search for another release (depending on setting) or wait for it on RSS, since there are new releases RSS will pick it up rather quickly.
Have you set a minimum age for releases to be before Sonarr grabs them (Indexer settings)? If not try setting it to 20 minutes or longer and see if this issue persists, I suspect its propagation that is causing the failures and waiting longer would help.
Previously there was a bug that prevented Sonarr from re-grabbing a release from RSS when it failed and that quality was already grabbed, which would expose this scenario.
So I set a minimum age of 20 as you suggested and noticed that it has sent 6 duplicate requests for the same episode of another show after I changed the setting. Not sure I saved or restarted after making that change so I’ve done that now and will monitor it. I never had that setting enabled previously and didn’t have this issue until recently.