Sonarr is downloading many copies of the same episode

Could you enable trace logging, delete the existing log files then when you get a duplicate zip up all the logs and send them my way? Something odd is happening here and the SAB responses should give a better indication as to why its happening.

OK it seems to have happened again although there were lots of failures for the same file in SAB. How do I send you the logs and which ones do you want. It seems I have about 5 log files per hour.

Dropbox or something similar works.

here you go.

I had this happen a couple of weeks ago. It seems Sonarr got updated and lost its rights to check what SAB has in its DL list but would process the completed downloads correctly when that had finished all 5-7 of them per episode. I was able to fix this by restarting SAB, deleting it as a downloader in Sonarr, restarting Sonarr before re-adding it. after doing that it started working correctly and could pull the DL list from SAB to monitor the episodes. just restarting the machine without doing these steps didnā€™t fix the issue BTW.

Not sure if thatā€™s the same issue your having but this is what fixed it for me.

On a side note if this is intermittent. Do you have anything taking up your CPU when this is happening? i.e. converting or transcoding? Iā€™ve also noticed that if something holds the CPU at 70-100% then the connection between Sonarr and SAB becomes unstable until the CPU drops below 60% again.

Iā€™m not able to download the logs, most of the time the page just refreshes, but when it is downloaded Chrome rejects it for being malicious, could you upload it somewhere else?

Iā€™m having this issue, too. Started with .3527 version. CDH has always been on, nothing else changed. I use SAB. Minimum age was set to 10 minutes, just changed it to 20, weā€™ll see if that helps. Tried Trixter69ā€™s fix, didnā€™t work for me.

Hereā€™s a trace log:


In the last day, it downloaded and processed several shows normally, then it downloaded the same episode of Colbert several times, then it was adding Daily Show every 15 minutes (on RSS sync), so I had 30-some copies of that in my SAB queue this morning.

Doesnā€™t seem to be a pattern as to which shows it happens to, or how many times it does it - Iā€™ve seen shows download 3 copies of the exact same release, or 4, or 8, or 30, and it usually processes them correctly eventually.

Thanks for Sonarr, itā€™s amazing, and I appreciate all the work you guys put into it every single day. Hope this helps get to the bottom of this.

We believe we found the cause, at least in most cases, its cause by Sonarr taking too long to import a release which blocks the queue from SAB being updated, which looks like this:

  1. Download is queued in SAB
  2. Download completes
  3. Sonarr starts importing the file
  4. New download is queued
  5. RSS Sync runs again, finds an episode that is missing and not in queue because the queue hasnā€™t been refreshed
  6. Import finishes
  7. Queue finally refreshes
  8. Repeat from #2

Typically this is seen where either SAB (or any download client) runs remotely (seedbox/VPS) or Sonarr needs to transfer the files to a remote location (a NAS or server) and it takes a longer time to complete.

There may be other cases where this happens, but this case has been confirmed and weā€™ll be working on a fix. In the meantime we have made a change to the behaviour which will prevent duplicates from being grabbed for 12 hours, this will be in the next release.

Awesome! Thanks, Markus!

Fix is in develop, probably wonā€™t be in master until next week as I donā€™t want to push it before Iā€™m offline for a few days.

In your setup are you copying files to a remote server or anything like I described above?

SAB is local, but files are copying to an external HD, which I reckon could be slow enough to do it.

Certainly possible, especially if multiple things need to be imported. Thanks for the feedback.

My files are also stored on a NAS with SAB and sonarr running locally on my PC. Look forward to the fix. Thanks for looking into it.

The last update resolved this issue for me, and everythingā€™s working beautifully. Thanks for all your work! You guys are the best!

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So things have been good for awhile now but tonight I added a new show and noticed duplicates in SAB for a few episodes. I told Sonarr to search for all missing episodes after adding the series.

Using add and search for missing or by hitting search on the series manually?

Without debug logs of the original search process there isnā€™t a whole lot we can determine, even with them someone would need to comb through them looking to see why the duplicate happened.

If two searches were performed for the same set of episodes at around the same time then duplicates could quite easily happen as the queue wouldnā€™t be updated, within a single search duplicate episodes wonā€™t be queued because the search process maintains a record of what it just added to the queue.

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