Me and [killer8] have been working on a Chrome extention for sonarr.
Our extension gives you the ability to overview the activity of sonarr in the Chrome browser.
As our inital release we have build in the following features:
Show upcomming and missing shows in a calendar tab,
Get a list of all your series with the option to filter trough them by series title,
Get a list of sonarr episode history,
Show information including all listed episodes,
Set monitored status of an episode.
Setup the extention
Install via chrome storage
Open the config page(right click on sonarr icon).
— its best to copy and past your URL and APIkey
Open the extension.
Any request or bugs can be send in via post in this forum.
you can download the Extension via the chrome store:
Known issues
Images do not load when using a username and password for sonarr.
Wanted icon is unclear
Version log:
Version 1.4.0: 02-02-2015
Season 0 is called Specials now
Options page will open automatically when extension is not configured
Check if image url is set (fix for series tab)
Version 1.3: 03-02-2015
Updated badge behavior
Fixed image load on protected environment
Changed the way data is handled, should work better more stable with large amounts of data.
Fixed refresh button
Version 1.2: 01-02-2015
Changed name to Sonarr Connect
Added extra checks to url in config page
The problem is there will be people that aren’t aware its just an extension, then end up here and wonder why things don’t work the way they expect it to.
You’re welcome to use Sonarr in the name, but it needs something else in the title to make it more clear that they are not the same thing.
We are publishing an update at this moment.
This update checks if the url you give in is correct in a new way.
Als we renamed the extension to Sonarr Connect
@CBers, The first time you open the Series and History tab it takes a bit of time to get all the required data. Could you try to update to version 1.2 and check your configuration? Please let us know if you have any other problems.
this extension is great. one thing i would change is the bookmars for wanted. make it same as sonarr (filled is monitored) otherwise is confusing. since it curently is the opersite of sonarr.
Thank you for the feedback, we will have a look and improve where needed.
All feedback is appreciated and we will be glad to support you with bugs/problems in the Extension.
@markus101 what do you think about the new name, I guess this one is fine for you since it’s quite clear it’s an extension for your software now right?
This is a great chrome extension! Thanks so much for building one. This is one thing I missed from Sickbeard.
That being said, I found one issue which I’m not sure if it’s a setting or limitation. I have over 200 shows in my Sonarr installation, however, when I click on the Series Tab I only get the first 15 shows listed in my install. Is this how it was setup? Thanks again for your help!
the number of wanted episodes badge does not update, when pressing refresh of when a new episode gets downloaded. it only updates when the browser gets restarted