[SOLVED] Can't get past credentials login page

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Windows 7 (running as a service)
Debug logs: N/A
Description of issue:

I’m encountering the exact same issue as this person was 2 years ago, but from what I could tell, there was supposed to be a resolution in later versions.

Since I can’t even log in, there’s nothing appearing in the logs, but last I checked the url_base I set is the same as my reverse proxy settings, which was just /sonarr.

But I even tried logging in locally at It just does the same behavior.

I’m running NGINX web server on a Debian RaspberryPi, and the Sonarr app is on a Windows 7 box.

The issue can’t be the same as the underlying issue was fixed already, but we’ll need logs to see why it’s failing.

You’ll need to enable ((trace logging)) in the config file (C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone\config.xml) and set the log level line to <LogLevel>Trace</LogLevel> you could also disable Authentication (<AuthenticationMethod>None</AuthenticationMethod>) to get Sonarr to allow you in without authenticating.

Disabling authentication puts me through, which is helpful temporarily, thanks for that.

I turned on trace logging, re-enabled Form authentication, and then restarted Sonarr (hoping to capture info when the authentication fails).

The same login behavior happened as expected, but I’m not sure where in the trace log to look for any helpful information. I didn’t spot anything that looked like authentication or logging in: http://pastebin.com/BXD90mCB

Looks like we don’t log much around the authentication process so they aren’t as helpful as I had hoped.

I’d suggest disabling authentication and when reenabling it set the username and password again, in some cases the password can get updated through autofilling of forms in the browser which when saved will mess up logging in.

It shames me to say, but it appears you’re exactly right and chrome’s auto-save had changed my username within sonarr’s settings somehow, so I was simply trying to authenticate with the wrong username. All is good now, thanks.

For what it’s worth though, the reason I never suspected that scenario was because Sonarr never generated any authentication failure message of any kind. I’d enter my username and password, press login, and then page would just refresh to the same login screen, without giving me any sort of error message.

Had it said “invalid username” or something like “authentication failed,” then it would’ve given me something to immediately go on. As it is currently, I assumed it was some type of web server or SSL issue.

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Yeah, that’s one thing that is on my list of things to fix, it’s far from ideal.

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