I love sonarr i alays used to use SickRage on my Raspberry Pi2, but since the moved to version 6 and 7 nothing then issues and bugs they can’t seem to fix. I tested Sonarr first on my desktop before moving everything from SickRage on pi2 to Sonarr on Pi2. It works marvelous and very easy to setup.
Anyway on topic!
I have some anime shows and Sonarr doesn’t find the shows, not even manually.
Most Anime shows i download are from [HorribleSubs]
So it would be nice for Anime to have an option to set releasegroups and set the show name.
For example
[HorribleSubs] Musaigen no Phantom World - 01 [720p]
When i add this show and enter -> Musaigen no Phantom World
it will show the Anime: -> Myriad Colors Phantom World (2016) Tokyo MX
So Sonarr will search for Myriad.Colors.Phantom.World.S01E01.720p.xxxxxxxxx etc…
(and you already can guess it doesn’t find any show, cause the groups release it under Musaigen no Phantom World)
But i like Sonarr to search for [HorribleSubs] and Musaigen no Phantom World
So this way it will find: -> [HorribleSubs] Musaigen no Phantom World - 01 [720p].nzb
So in short If i add an anime, it would be cool to have Sonarr search for the search strings i give, not the one given by the show. Search options an few search option like Releasegroep: [HorribleSubs] Releasename: Musaigen no Phantom World that will override the insternal search system and this per anime show
Add search option tab
Add under search option tab an anime section
if anime is selected under “Series Type” when adding a new show go to extra page (or just add show as normally, but when i edit the show give extra seacrh tab)
Be able to add releasegroup and blacklist groups (whitelist/blacklist) (like i want that show but only from that releasegroup, not that other releasegroup
Be able to search for the name given by the releasegroup and not the internal one sonarr uses (see example above)
I hope you understand what i’m saying, for now Sonarr doesn’t find any anime episodes for shows i added.
Settings > Indexers > Show advanced settings > Restrictions may solve part of your issue?
You can create an “anime” tag with “must contain horriblesubs” or something along the lines, and apply that to the anime shows that you want?
Alternate anime names are usually added to thexem.de, best to talk to them on IRC if there is a particular issue, they’re not always available, but they know their stuff.
Thanks for the info, but that does not solve the problem.
I already tried that:
Must contain: HorribleSubs
Tags: anime
Then go to the anime show and -> edit show -> Tags: anime -> save
Still can’t find any shows
The biggest problem i think is that it takes the English anime titles instead of the Japanese
“Myriad Colors Phantom World” instead of “Musaigen no Phantom World”
“I’ve Had Enough Of Being A Magical Girl” instead of "Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara"
and that’s the case for every anime title
Maybe stupid, but when i add Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara it does find the show but like said it only shows the English title “I’ve Had Enough Of Being A Magical Girl” and adds the show only with the English title.
Maybe giving the option to add the shows with its spoken Japanese name like for example -> “Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara” instead of “I’ve Had Enough Of Being A Magical Girl” will solve the problem
I just added this anime to my Sonarr under it’s English name and told it to download if Horriblesubs exists in the file name and it’s found the releases. Which is to be expected.
However, I am guessing what you want is when Sonarr names the files you want it to name them as the Japanese release and not the English translated show name? I don’t think it’s going to be capable of that since it names it as what the show is showed in the list.
Wierd, must be doing something wrong
Anyway huge Thanks for trying it out, gotta dig a bit deeper in it to get it configured
No, sonarr doesn’t have to name the show in it’s Japanese name i just want sonarr to download the show
For example:
Settings -> Indexer -> Restrictions
Edit Restrictions -> Must contain: HorribleSubs -> tags: horriblesubs -> (i suppose i can give it any tag name i want)
Add series
Musaigen no Phantom World -> finds: Myriad Colors Phantom World -> set profile (HD720) and series type (Anime) -> hit the + sign (add)
When added -> go to anime show Myriad Colors Phantom World
Edit series
Tags: horriblesubs (the tag name i gave under restrictions) -> save
I suppose that’s it.
Problem solved
Settings -> Indexers -> under indexers , click on indexer (for example Usenet Crawler) Anime Categories was empty, added 5070 to it (and also 5070 to NZBCat and OZnzb.com (don’t know the number for Nzbs.org, the use another numbering index (Found it, it’s 7040 on Nzbs.org)
The problem was not in the restriction rules and tags, but Anime Categories was empty (disabled)
Anyway, Thanks for all the help!
Maybe add a TAB or Button to only show Anime or Hide all Anime on the main page, this way it’s easier to manage my Anime and my TV shows
Seperate TV Shows and Anime Shows on disk when processing downloaded shows from the watch folder:
Yep that’s exactly how you do it. Under indexers show the advanced option and under restrictions create a new restriction with [horriblesubs] throw something in the tag box like horriblesubs then go to the series and add the horriblesubs tag to the series.
actually i have another noob question if you don’t mind, i just set up sonarr couple hours ago & everything is great but one thing, it found the latest missing episodes but it didnt download, or even do anything with them.
i had to wanted > check them all > search selected, then it started downloading renaming and importing, how do i set it to download automatically? i want to set it and forget about it. thanks.
it searches and finds the episodes but does not download automatically http://i.imgur.com/r8hZCca.png it just says episode missing from disk and i have to press search missing for it to start the process, i’m sure im doing somehting wrong here idk what though
Sonarr doesn’t search automatically, it watches RSS feeds to see if episodes are available (anything that is monitored), for things you want now that aired days/weeks/months ago you need to invoke a search for them.