Quality Profile by Encoder (x265)

My apologies if this is duplicative of anyone else’s post, my searching did not find anything similar though.

It seems that more and more TV shows are being uploaded to KAT (though not on Usenet yet) that are encoded with the newer encoder, H265/x265/HEVC. It seems like the jury is still out on whether it is worth it to switch over right now; you have to have more recent hardware to be able to play it back (dual core at least) and the encoding times are significantly longer. The benefits are huge though: similar quality at reduced bitrates with significantly reduced file sizes; a 1080p Bluray encode that is of decent quality and at a smaller filesize than a 720p HDTV rip.

I was wondering if it would be possible to add a feature that incorporates the encoder into a quality profile. In my usage case, I could grab the first available, and then grab x265 for archiving purposes as a “better” quality in my profile. In particular, this would be a great substitute for a WEB-DL quality release of a currently airing season of a show; the jury is still out on replacing Bluray encodes as it does not seem like the people doing the encoding have consistently reached the quality of a true Bluray x264 release. I am guessing I could work around this by adjusting the file size restrictions for the various qualities, but that seems like an inelegant solution given the size variance between 30 minute and 1 hour shows, for example.

If I have not explained myself clearly, please let me know. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for all of your continued hard work on this project - it is truly an amazing piece of software.

At this time we don’t plan on supporting x265 directly, but it could be achieved with https://trello.com/c/yXPCg3pC/859-preferred-words-more-release-restriction-awesomeness when its available (not being actively worked on though).