I feel like I’m missing something silly here but I’m trying to set up a category through Sonarr to work with SAB (which already has the category set i.e. ‘TV’). When I try to add the ‘TV’ category into Sonarr (Download Client section), I get the error [Enable Job Folder] and it won’t save the category. I’ve looked around for this setting through Sonarr itself as well as googling it and I haven’t found anything. It may have something to do with SAB, but that doesn’t have anything that seems clearly related to “Enable Job Folder” either. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Let me know if I can explain that better…ps - logs don’t seem to provide any additional information. Truth be told, I’m a bit new to Sonarr, so I appreciate your patience with me.
Well…I figured it out. In the category section of SAB, you need to make sure that there is no asterisk at the end of the folder path else the job folders cannot be created. Hope this helps someone else if you stumble across this problem.
As a new user, I’m working through the whole ‘category’ issue as well. Migrate from sickbeard
Connecting Sickbeard to Sab requires no categories to be set in Sab. But from replies I’ve gotten in the above link, it seems that Sonarr does require categories to be setup in Sab. I’m still a bit unclear why and what the purpose of categories are in the first place. I’ve never needed them before with sick/sab.
Yeah it is definitely tricky. As far as I understand, categories are predominately for organization. Basically, you have a set location for your SAB completed downloads. When you have a category setup, through SAB and/or through Sonarr, when a file of that particular category is downloaded, it is placed in a created subdirectory within your completed download folder. In other words, if you have the TV category set and your SAB completed download folder is C:\Complete. When you download a file with the “TV” category, the completed file will be in C:\Complete\TV. It just makes it so you don’t have to create the other directories on your own. I probably made that more complicated than I needed to but that’s the gist of it. Otherwise, all types of files will be together (movies, music, tv, etc.) and I guess it could be difficult for the different programs (Sonarr, Couchpotato, Headphones, etc.) to parse out the appropriate files for postprocessing. I’m sure that’s a terrible explanation and someone else could do it better but that’s what I got. Good luck working through your hurdles ungkor!
You don’t need them, but if you tell Sonarr to use a category that doesn’t exist in SAB it will fail.
The big reason to use them is so Sonarr doesn’t process non-TV files, its unlikely that it will be able to parse them and move them, but it will fill up logs with useless failures.