No download when it's a whole season

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
Debug logs:
Description of issue: I’ve noticed, when I try to retrieve an entire season, although the torrent is available, no download launches, whereas everything works when it’s a current season. I don’t know if this is a coincidence but if anyone could help me. The current example is season two of Condor.

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What are we supposed to do with those logs? It looks like you only captured an RSS refresh?

I don’t know, maybe, if I were a big naive person I would tell you to help me if you can, all based on my description of the problem and the sonarr log, what do you think forest?

There’s nothing to help because sonarr getting the latest uploads to your indexers has nothing to do with some series’ season.

What’s unclear in the search troubleshooting article that’s been linked both in the forum template and by me?

What problem are you trying to solve?

What is the problem? Let me re-phrase, I’m trying to download a season, which I know is available, but nothing is happening, is that clearer?

You did a search and sonarr rejected the pack? What was the rejection reason?

An RSS refresh isn’t a search.

No one has a crystal ball for your issue.

If you don’t want assistance then please ignore the link again

The link in question, if it helps you: …

Thank you once again!

please do not link to copyright material.

That is also not a site sonarr searches because all rarbg implementations use its api.

A site having a release is rather not helpful and other than confirming something exists, has nothing to do with any troubleshooting.

I described the situation and put the link to the log, which means I don’t know the reason for the rejection, so why ask me?

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Please, if you want and especially if you can help me, do it, otherwise let’s stay there & have a good evening :slight_smile:

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Your logs have nothing to do with a search and thus no relevance to your issue.

Since you refuse to follow the linked search troubleshooting guide and resulting information and won’t provide any relevant info that has been requested several times it appears you don’t want any help and it is impossible for anyone to provide any help with 0 information.

good day. good luck.

I don’t understand, I described the problem and provided the log, that’s what is requested.

As for the rest, if I had found the answer via the link, I wouldn’t have asked for help here, but don’t worry, I understand that you don’t have the answer, I don’t have it either, I hope that someone more competent than us has it!

Have a nice evening!

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Hello, does anyone have the answer? Thank you!

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No one has the answer because you’ve provided 0 information for anyone to help.

If you went through the search troubleshooting article, then you’d have trace logs and screenshots to share.

also why are you unable to provide any logs of the search for that episode?

Why do you actively not want help and expect people to have a crystal ball to magically know what your issue is?

An episode exacting on a tracker means nothing at all and is near useless.

For all we know you don’t even have RarBG added nor have never done a search for that episode.

Your logs are of an RSS Refresh which are not relevant and useless… an RSS Refresh is not a search so I have no idea why you think someone can look at a random RSS Refresh and tell you why your episode was not on it…well I guess that answer is simple…the episode was not on the feed of recently uploads to the tracker and thus there’s nothing to grab.

Why be so unpleasant, so aggressive in your comments, to come back to this subject when you said you didn’t want to come back to it?

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If you want help with your issue then you’ll need to post logs of you recreating your issue, i.e. a failed search for a specific season of a specific series.

What won’t help is posting unrelated logs of an RSS refresh.

This is all explained clearly in the link supplied both in the replies here and when you were creating your initial post, as is the request to not use as they regularly block logs.

Hopefully having someone else say the same thing, but phrased slightly differently, will help you provide the right information.

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It’s a debug log…

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What are you trying to achieve with this comment?

When I read you, especially the tone you use, when you write that you will no longer participate in this topic, I wonder if your question is rhetorical?

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Saying a statement that the provided log is a debug log is completely useless and unhelpful.

OP provided a random debug log of an rss refresh that has no relevance nor bearing on the issue and simply notes that the episode was not just uploaded / on the RSS feed of the indexers.

OP has been repeatedly asked for more information and told what to provide yet refuses to do so thus there is no help to provide OP and no one at all can provide any guess unless they try to recreate the issue themselves - which I don’t see anyone willing to do.

Your comments Nemrod can only be considered trolling at this point given they are off topic and unhelpful with no relevance to OPs issue.