No download when it's a whole season

Why do you keep coming on this subject, spewing your venom?

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Good question :+1:t2:

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Thank you, but there is no point in continuing, it flags all messages as inappropriate…

I’m sorry for you, good luck and have a good weekend

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Doing an interactive search often gives quite a bit of feedback. In the original debug log there’s no manual/interactive search, only rss:

On line 2022-03-30 13:46:02.9 you’ll see Sonarr starting to parse Condor and evaluate it from the rss feed.
On line 2022-03-30 13:46:03.0|Debug|DownloadDecisionMaker|Release rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] One or more episodes is not monitored it reports the reason why it was rejected: Not all episodes are monitor in Condor Season 2. So Sonarr won’t grab a season pack.

Please check the series monitored flags, on series, season and episode level.

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To add: Mass reporting each other’s posts isn’t particularly conducive to getting issues resolved. Baker was correct in suggesting there might be a rejection reason. It would’ve been more effective to reply that you didn’t see any rejection reasons and ask where to find those.
Now for Baker: Not everyone knows that ‘rejection reasons’ is something specific in Sonarr that is logged and/or available in the UI, not a general term but something specific the user can find when doing a search.
Keizer mentioned ‘i try to retrieve an entire season’, which makes it easy for a reader to assume a manual search was used, not normal rss sync and therefore one could easily conclude that the log file presented is irrelevant.
I kindly ask to put a bit more effort in it when asking for support. When there’s something you don’t understand or can’t answer, be specific and ask about it. It both helps you and the one providing support to understand each other.


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Thanks for your reply :slightly_smiling_face: , yes I will test again :+1:t2:

My bad, I thought when I posted the description and the logs that it was obvious, and then when I read that I hadn’t posted a log, not to mention the tone, I thought I wouldn’t get any help from him.

I received emails informing me that my messages had been reported, when I realised who it was from I did the same hoping for help.

If, after a new test, I add the log called “sonarr.debug.txt”, is it the right one? Thank you.

It’s not sufficient to just say “hey, I have a problem, here are the logs, plz help”. Explain the problem, explain what steps you took already.

In this case, you’re gonna check the monitored flags, and then do an interactive search for season 2. In the search results you should see the desired release, at the far left of each row there can be red icon. Which show the rejection reasons if you hover over it with the mouse.

PS: Regarding reporting posts ‘hoping for help’ got you real close to being banned. Something to keep in mind next time.

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