New sc-download setup can't access files even with full permissions

Thanks @molachai for that last tip — I had tried everything else here (reinstalled Sonarr, made sure sc-nzbdrone was in the sc-download and sc-media groups, made sure those groups had read-write access to source folders)… but it turned out that it was indeed the destination that was the problem. Sonarr really needs to fix that error message!

As a side note, changing permissions through Synology’s web interface seems to really mess things up — whether applying extra permissions or changing owner — I did something where Plex no longer had access to its library (that’s the destination for Sonarr) so I reset the owner of that folder to “plex” and checked the box to “Apply to this folder, sub-folder, and files”… when it finished, I SSH’ed in to my NAS and found that it had erased the normal linux permissions on all the subfolders, and Plex was unable to start. :frowning: Had to chmod -R 777 on the Plex folder to get back to normal… finally it all works again. Ugh!

You change permission through the GUI and are surprised it did what you asked, change the permissions…

DSM isn’t a separate permission structure, it set the *nix permission through ACLs, which is an standard permission “add-on” to provide more configurability.

If you use both the GUI and then go in to the *nix layer, you will be in a loop where you are overwriting the either the changes you made in DSM or the changes you made in the shell.

Changes on the shell aren’t reflected/detected in DSM, there is no scheduled/automated permission audit.

So just don’t use chmod/chown if you expect it to work in a logical and reproducible fashion.

If you wanted Plex to have access, you should have just given the Plex user access in the DSM layer, and not overwritten the ACL you just applied.

@Mirx_NL I’m surprised that changing permissions in the GUI erases the standard linux permissions on subfolders, yes.

Regardless, my point here is that settings permissions in the GUI did not work in both cases:

  1. Setting “plex” to the owner of the Plex library folder, recursively, in the GUI, resulted in Plex no longer being able to access anything in the library. Resetting the permissions using chmod and restarting Plex got it back to normal.
  2. Giving Sonarr access to the Plex library folder through the GUI did not fix the “Access to the path is denied” errors mentioned in this thread, whereas using chmod to set standard unix permissions did work.

Just putting this out there in case others run into the same issue. If setting ACLs through the GUI works for you, great!

I’m only trying to explain why the behaviour is weird, and that is that changing permissions in the shell is something DSM does not like, and tends to result in fubar permissions.

The only reason I responded is that this thread is full of people fiddling around until it magically works and then “promoting” that solution, instead of trying to understand how it is supposed to work.

If 10 people say “chmod -R 777” in the shell is the fix, any user reading this thread will assume changing permissions or owners in the shell is a good idea and the starting point for a fix. And yes, the chance it will work is incredibly high as you are giving every user read/write/execute permissions. So unlimited access.

I’m a firm believer in “If it works it ain’t stupid”, but that doesn’t mean it’s smart either.

Chances are when you add a new folder though it might get different permissions due to setgid “conflicts” as a result of the fiddling.

I’ll rest my case, as there’s no additional insight I can share.

I have the same problem and unfortunately I can’t get it to work. My skills with linux cmd is minimal, so most of my problem solving has been in the GUI.
Things a have quadruple checked:
Control Panel
Shared Folder - both nzbget download folder and sonarr destination folder have sc-download and sc-media groups in both system internal user and local groups.
Group - both sc-download and sc-media have sonarr and radarr added in there.
File Station
Navigated to both source and destination directories and made sure the owner (my user admin) and group is set to sc-download for that and all sub directories.
Note: where ever possile, my user admin has been added to these groups if that has any affect, as i could only pick that account for my options.
I’d prefer to get this sorted via GUI like Mirx talks about. I have no idea why its npt working but I bet its something simple.
This only happened recently after the updates…radarr works fine

I won’t get in to making sure the Sonarr install is clean (backup, uninstall, purge old folder, reinstall, restore), but here’s what I did in the folder structure to make it clean through the GUI. I didn’t want to muk around in old configs to be sure there weren’t remnants conflicting, so started “started from scratch” as much as possible.

Please note that I was stressed for time, so didn’t follow the ACL best-practices fully (didn’t change old dir/files)

This is something you might want to try, and then if t doesn’t suit your need, alter it to your prefered structure.
The only 1 thing you need to do in the shell/CLI is checking if the group membership is correct.

Validation (optional)

  1. Login to the CLI and give the command “cat /etc/group |grep sc-”. Output is dependent on your installed package, but should be similar to:

Download setup

  1. Go to “control panel”, “shared folder”, and select “create” to create a new shared folder “download_client”.

  2. When prompted for permissions, select “local groups” from the drop-down menu, and grant “read/write” permissions to administrators, sc-download, and sc-media.

  3. Through file-station, add subfolders for your download clients, like NZBGet, Deluge, and Sonarr. I use the Sonarr directory as a destination for tv-shows and sonarr post-processing.

  4. In NZBGet under “settings” and “paths” set your “MainDir” to “/volume1/download_client/NZBGet”. “Destdir” can be to your choosing.

  5. In NZBGet under “settings” and “categories” set your Sonarr category to “DestDir” “/volume1/download_client/Sonarr”.

  6. Do the similar actions for your other download clients.

Sonarr processing
I was in luck here, as Sonarr doesn’t like path changes as far as I’m aware. My TV show folder is already a dedicated Shared Folder. If this not the case for you, then just try adding the permission recusively through the GUI. Also, all my “old” files have 777 like most did in the past.

  1. Important: Shutdown Sonarr

  2. Rename your Shared Folder to _1

  3. Create a new Shared Folder with the original name, and add the permission in the pop-up

  4. Move all your folder to the newly created Shared Folder. This results in identical paths.

  5. Start Sonarr.

New shows will get the ACL permissions. This looks like:
drwxrwxrwx+ 2 sc-nzbdrone nzbdrone 4096 Mar 21 13:32 Bl…

-rwxr-xr-x 1 nzbget users 2265550267 Jan 20 14:33 Bl…mkv
-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 sc-nzbdrone nzbdrone 373322 Mar 21 13:26 poster.jpg

If your old folders don’t work, you might want to try to set the Shared Folder permissions recursively.

Be aware that SynoCommunity just updated the NZBGet package to utilize the DSM6 permission structure and changed the user from nzbget to sc-nzbget


New (downloaded old episode, hence the timestamp)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 sc-nzbget nzbget 3294100649 Mar 17 06:45 Gr…mkv

-rw-rw-r-- 1 107 users 3588815288 Mar 23 09:31 Gr…mkv

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@Mirx_NL What folders do you purge? and how do you go about doing that? Thanks.

You have to do that in the CLI/shell. But that was with the first updated package, they did some tweaks to the packages and it shouldn’t be necessary anymore.

So, now after updating NZBGet to the latest SynoCommunity version, NZBGet wont start with the error ‘Failed to run package service’…sigh

This worked for me too - wish I’d seen your post before figuring it out myself!

Hi Guys

I am a complete newbie and have the same issue. I have no idea how to do the chmod stuff and am hoping someone can provide step by step instructions on how to correct the permissions.

Thanks in advance.

Try my suggestion above all via the DSM interface, no chmod required :wink:

Thank you @gazuzu I did look at that but I changed the folder permissions on the download folder back to what they used to be, which was Owner = admin & Group = users so perhaps I have stuffed it???

Really frustrated with this.


I can’t remember which is the new one but I made the changes to both, which is to give read/write permissions to the downloads folder.


What were the specific changes you made to the sc-download and sc-media groups?

I tried everything and more but I am lost in what I’ve done :smiley:
I started to put 777 when this happened as I have 1 folder only for videos and even though I know I should not I just wanted to check if it would do the trick.

I was about to try @gazuzu’s solution but those permissions were already set.

I don’t know what to do anymore… I am way beyond the frustration point, I am at the “burn the synology” point :smiley:

If your synology can, just use docker for sonarr and download clients. Takes away all the hassle if you run all the instances with the same account* and give that account access on your media and download locations on the host (your synology). Do it once and it stays forever.

Best thing I did in years. Not to bash the hard work done by the synocommunity folks. Really, thanks! I just feel docker has outpaced the syno packages (both official built-in and community created).

*this would be an account you create/manage yourself in the syno GUI or from a shell. NOT one created by the synocommunity packages.

This worked for me too, thanks!

Not true, I first had a different build that didn’t support GUID en GPID configuration and had to reinstall to the linuxserver version :slight_smile: