Very recently(past week or so?) mythbusters doesn’t show I have any episodes anymore even though I still do. Im not sure what is going on.
do you know if sonar will pickup the right episodes still? if it does I can just change the folders to the years I guess.
Sonarr won’t see the files because they don’t match the years, if they are properly remapped on then you could move them our of the series folder and use manual import/drone factory to import them, which would work except for episodes that were already remapped.
TLDR this is a big mess and their decision will cause issues for a number of systems, while I see why the decision was made its still a big impact.
It’s not just the years that have changed it seems… I had 15 episodes in season 1… they are now showing only 11 and none of the names / titles match… this could be a real ball ache to re-do
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