I have read all the other threads around this, and they seemed to all have the same issue, but very little detail was provided for support. I am hence making this thread to cover off some additional information.
Sonarr worked correctly in release
Sonarr has not worked correctly since this release
Sonarr handles all my completed downloads historically
I dont have any funky scripts doing any importing as suggested previously as the problem
I am running ubuntu with a local mount to a remote folder where completed downloads are stored
Sonarr will download the first downloaded episode of a release successfully. As Sonarr is importing it from my mounted folder, it will queue a new download of the same release, from the same indexer. It will then successfully complete the original download, delete it, and download the next release. At some point in the future (between 10-60 downloads of the same release later), it will stop queuing downloads.
From looking through the logs, it appears that Sonarr constantly thinks that the CheckForFinishedDownload process is running, or it runs once and does not complete.
Example (repeated 100’s of times in the log after a search):
15-10-29 19:44:48.1|Trace|CommandQueueManager|Publishing CheckForFinishedDownload
15-10-29 19:44:48.1|Trace|CommandQueueManager|Checking if command is queued or started: CheckForFinishedDownload
15-10-29 19:44:48.1|Trace|CommandQueueManager|Command is already in progress: CheckForFinishedDownload
Is it possible to link me to the previous version of Sonarr where it worked? I still have the backup from the sonarr upgrade and would very much like to reinstall release
On further diagnosis of the issue, it appears that when you use the “remote path mapping” setting, the “Check For Finished Download” Task never completes.
I performed a completely fresh reinstall on a new VM for Sonarr, and everything was working correctly with this task completing successfully. Once adding the remote path mapping, this task no longer completes. Sonarr has permissions to this folder as I can browse it and it does transfer the files. Some further understanding of exactly what this task tries to do might identify the underlying cause.
CheckForFinishedDownload checks the status of the queue in the download client and attempts to import episode files that have completed. If you have a slow connection to the remote location that its trying to import the files from it will take a while to import anything.
We’ll need more information on your setup to diagnose this problem further.
Thank you for your response. I use a remote sabnzbd to perform my downloading. Active downloads do appear in my Sonarr queue. Once completed, it will successfully start moving it from the remote folder to the local folder.
I have done some further examination of the process, and have isolated the issue further.
The TL:DR version is while a release is being imported from the remote location, check finished downloads task does not complete, download enters limbo, and sonarr will continue to download it while it is present in the RSS feed from the tracker. Longer version below:
The check downloads process works successfully while no transfers are in progress. Once a transfer starts, the task will not complete. As my connection is (while high by my countries standards) slow (approximately 10 mbit to my remote folder), it will take 40-60ish minutes for a decent 720p release. During this time, it appears that downloads go into limbo, and Sonarr does not recognize that they are downloaded at either location, and downloads them again. This stops once the new release leaves the RSS feed of the indexer. This also explains why there was no consistency between the amount of multiples.
Once all transfers have completed, the task will complete successfully again. However, it does not appear to complete between different downloads. As my remote box will download multiple releases within a minute, it will queue up several downloads once the “check finished” task runs, and then for several hours it wont be able to complete and end up filling my remote location with 30+ downloads of the same release.
I have temporarily re-leaved the problem somewhat by changing my RSS frequency to 60 minutes up from 15 minutes. While this does mean I will miss some releases, it saves the manual effort of nursing all downloads.
To resolve the problem, it would appear that “check finished download” task needs to be aware of import tasks.
I hope this further information assists with finding a fix for myself and other users having issues.
Thanks for digging in! This is an issue that we uncovered that caused the same issue, but I didn’t expect it to apply here since most people run SAB locally.
I started work on a possible solution recently, but might be a little while before it sees a release as one of the devs is on holidays.