[Jackett] Additional torrent trackers for Sonarr

Hi sea3pea0,

I have recently seen a relese on synocommunity. Installed version v7.0.33. Editted

only tv chaos not working configuration failed. any ideas was working weeks months ago. Sorry to bother you directly, its says they been having DDOS attacks not sure if it was linked to this

Also pirate bay works with.se incase people are having troubles with this


I am very new to using automation to setup TV and Movies. I have installed Sonarr with a torrent client in Mac OS X 10.11. I am now trying to install Jackett. I have Mono already installed. I am having a very hard time figuring out how to find and install the correct version of libcurl. I am looking for someone that can help me find the correct version of libcurl and walk me through the process of installing it.

Thank you so much!

hello if i download source files and do some changes ( to add custom provider ) is possible to run it from the specific files?

Hello. I’ve been running jackett on my unraid server as a docker for the last few months and it has been working perfect but i recent upgraded from version 6.45 to the latest and the only two providers i was using (torrentz and the pirate bay) seem to be missing from the newest release. am i just missing something or are these two providers not included in this new release?


All public trackers have been removed.
You can fin informations about that on github.

I have a issue where I only can see a white page / page not found (error 404), I have followed a guide provided by feralhosting on how to set up jackett, but I keep getting the same error.
I now tried on multiple services and it is the same on all of them.

I have Mono installed, and running Nginx

I hope someone can help me with this issue


Okay I fixed my issue with white page, now the only issues I have if that if I try to add Hounddawgs i get:
Configuration failed:

Nothing else it just says that, any idea what it can be?

You can check github, I guess there is already an issue opened for that.

I must be loosing it. Can someone please point me to the log file location when using the SynoCommunity package. Can’t seem to locate it.

That’s really unfortunate :frowning:
Adding unsupported trackers through Jackett was nice.

Please remember to fllow this fork now.
The original project hibernates now…

WOW! just tried it. One of the most amazing/useful addons ever! Should be integrated into sonarr without question asap!


Héhé! Good to hear!


Thanks for plugin

Can anyone point me at an updated OS X install guide - https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett#installation-on-linuxosx really isn’t very helpful?

Hope to hear back

Kind thanks


Can anyone point me at an updated OS X install guide - https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett#installation-on-linuxosx1 really isn’t very helpful?

How’d you go in the end mate? I’m not really sure how to install it to a QNAP NAS either.

If anyone is interested, I’m working on an alternative to Jackett: https://github.com/cardigann/cardigann

Limited in what trackers it offers currently, but should work out of the box on OSX @ldexterldesign.

Hi @lxt2

I will follow your project closely, good luck!
I was close to contact you to connect with @ldexterldesign but it seems already done :slight_smile:

Hey all,

@lxt2 thanks for the heads up, I’ll try the install today

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WZ3RS3HA7tdRqMU2PXPEUYWGqrG1TnnguEJ6NbWJa-A/ is a (not so) little resource you may be interested in - DM me your email and I’ll invite you

@anon70424920 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Not sure how I DM you, perhaps I don’t have privs yet. I requested access, cheers!