[Jackett] Additional torrent trackers for Sonarr

Oh my bad sorry.
I’ve build it on Windows but not yet on linux.

May be you can ask to @zone117x

This program is AWESOME thank you so much for this! Any chance you can add pixelHD next?

Please refer to that, and create a ticket :smile:

My bad, done and done! Thanks so much for the swift reply

Thanks for a great app

I have it running on Freenas only problem is i cannot figure out how to make it run on start of my jail

any help would be greatly appreciated

Sorry for the elementary question, but each package I download, doesn’t contain the Jackett.exe file referenced in the Websites install guide. Any insight to my lack of understanding would greatly be appreciated. Thanks for taking the time.

Do you install with https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett/releases/download/v0.6.45/Jackett.Installer.Windows.exe ?

Got a reply over the weekend staying that the download link was pointing to the wrong resource, I’m up and running now. Thanks for Checking. Now to educate my Friends on this handy piece of software.


I need to add shows like porridge and on the buses lol i like older tv series i have mnaged to get them manually but couldnt get signed up to xem# because the registrations no longer open can we submit these some other way ??

I think your best bet would be to ask on the #xem irc channel on freenode.net. You don’t need to be registered on the site to be able to ask questions on irc, Also they might be able to help you register if you ask on irc. There is a web based irc portal here.

I think your best bet would be to ask questions on #xem irc channel on freenode.net Here is a web based portal to access irc.

Is there anyways to specify a 720p torrent with TorrentDay?

i wonder if there’s a easy way to backup/tranfer the settings from jackett ?
i’m moving from 1 server to another server.
sonarr has 2 ways to backup and transfer the settings

You can just copy the Jackett folder located in .config folder on Debian.

Sorry forgot to mention I’m using windows,
I copied the jackett folder that was found in the all user folder.
But still I had to manual add the trackers.
Also copied the jackett folder in program files.
After I installed it and stopped the service.

There is an instance number in config file and indexers file, check if it’s the same.

Hi sea3pea0,

I have recently seen a relese on synocommunity. Installed version v7.0.33. Editted

only tv chaos not working configuration failed. any ideas was working weeks months ago. Sorry to bother you directly, its says they been having DDOS attacks not sure if it was linked to this

Also pirate bay works with.se incase people are having troubles with this


I am very new to using automation to setup TV and Movies. I have installed Sonarr with a torrent client in Mac OS X 10.11. I am now trying to install Jackett. I have Mono already installed. I am having a very hard time figuring out how to find and install the correct version of libcurl. I am looking for someone that can help me find the correct version of libcurl and walk me through the process of installing it.

Thank you so much!

hello if i download source files and do some changes ( to add custom provider ) is possible to run it from the specific files?

Hello. I’ve been running jackett on my unraid server as a docker for the last few months and it has been working perfect but i recent upgraded from version 6.45 to the latest and the only two providers i was using (torrentz and the pirate bay) seem to be missing from the newest release. am i just missing something or are these two providers not included in this new release?
