Interactive search within episode selection

Windows version

If I want to do an interactive search for a single episode of a series; Sonarr comes back sometimes with a multitude of files that are either not related the series being searched for or are for a different season.

I believe this is the same issue already being discussed here

I notice there is an option to select a filter which allows you to select “Season Pack”, “Not Season Pack” or to create a custom filter.

I have tried creating a custom filter to ignore unknown or wrong series but can’t work out the syntax of the filter command.

There is an option in the filter selection to select “Rejections” but I couldn’t work out what to specify as the criteria; if I type “wrong series” if comes back with NaN and doesn’t do anything.

I was wondering therefore if there were some instructions into how to use the filter.

Sonarr just displays whatever your indexer returns.

Looks like a bug, not sure offhand how that’s supposed to work, but not like that for sure.

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