Followed many a tutorial, posts, instructions and keep hitting the wall at this same spot. Hope someone here might have input.
Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: macOS 10.14.6 (Catalina) Debug logs: Description of issue:
Unable to add indexes to Sonarr.
Inside Jackett, indexes work, tests work, manual searches work. Taking that information to Sonarr, however, always result in errors…unable to add a single index (even the demo) to the point where it has to be something I am not doing right yet not finding a solution.
Basic process:
• Copy Torznab Feed button from desired indexer in Jackett
• In Sonarr, select Indexers tab > + (add indexers)> Select Torznab >
• Fill in information. URL is pasted from Jackett Torznab Feed copy.
• Flip back to Jackett to copy API Key (top right corner) & return to Sonarr…paste in API field.
• Test/Save…
~ sometimes experiment with the Categories per the selected indexer to match.
“Unable to connect to indexer, check the log for more details.”
Connection refused usually means there is a firewall blocking it, or the hostname/port is wrong, try using the IP address instead of localhost, especially since it looks like you’re running Sonarr in docker, not macOS. If Jackett is also in docker you might be able to use the container’s name as well.
RIGHT ~ that is what I was thinking too UNTIL everything was working fine in Jackett (same docker/computer/browser/network/environment.) Yep, tried the internal 10.x.x.x. number. That is one of the elements making this so confusing.
First experience w/all this. The URL from Jackett uses local host as the prefix. I experimented w/the computer IP, various IPs…as the url didn’t look right… yet the tutorials are pretty much a straight copy from Jackett to paste to Sonarr.
Mind elaborating with the pics of might be able to use the container’s name as well"?
Jackett becomes the indexer in Sonarr; Sonarr connects to Jackett not the indexer.
Assuming docker is running on the Mac, localhost from the Mac will be able to connect to each docker container, but localhost inside of the container will only reference that container.
Personally for docker I use the hostname of the system running docker, I don’t use container names and I’m not aware of a good example of using them.
hmmm…just noticed that Sonarr has it’s own API key it seems in the Settings >General > Security tab.
Now wondering which API key is expected…Jackett’s or Sonarr… testing
That makes sense. One of the key tutorial’s I was following had you take the Jackett api and use it for Sonarr.
Why would Sonarr ask you to enter an API key, if it already has its own in the Security settings?
Permissions somewhere? macOS Catalina permissions?
~ and I rule this out because if that were the case, Jackett shouldn’t be working.
So boggled over this…and sad how much time this is consuming.
Any ways to test the connection?
For example, imagine categories might not matter until going to use the index…but a way to test the connection that is faster than the current process of URL and key field?
Exactly, what I said before, Sonarr’s API key would be use for talking to Sonarr’s API. Jackett’s API key is for talking to Jackett through it’s API.
If you’re using Jackett you need to use it’s API key to talk to it’s API, you can’t use Sonarr’s API key, Jackett has no knowledge of it.
By clicking test or save when adding the indexer.
No there isn’t anything “quicker” that’s the only way, that’s the only way Sonarr uses it. The only other thing you could do is add a non-Jackett indexer to make sure the Sonarr container has proper network access, or just add a series.
That makes sense. One of the key tutorial’s I was following had you take the Jackett api and use it for Sonarr.
Why would Sonarr ask you to enter an API key, if it already has its own in the Security settings?
Actually, here are the instructions directly on Jackett w/instructions on how to add to Sonarr.
Only edit on this post would be the masking the key.
Adding a Jackett indexer in Sonarr or Radarr
Go to Settings > Indexers > Add > Torznab > Custom .
Click on the indexers corresponding Copy Torznab Feed button and paste it into the Sonarr/Radarr URL field.
For the API key use XXXXXXXXXXXXXX .
Configure the correct category IDs via the *(Anime) Categories options. See the Jackett indexer configuration for a list of supported categories.
Everything seems to be working (at least it looks that way) for Jackett added to Couch Potato.
Trying Radarr, and getting slightly different (slightly more encouraging) error… No results were returned from your indexer, please check your settings.
tried that as well…same errors… even w/the one of their built in demo type things.
Correction: Just did one or their defaults (Nyaa Pantsu) and it connected fine. hmm…getting closer… - that’s it though. Just the one of their defaults…others not working.
it is using an outside url of ~ so this is something w/the internal url…
well, now wondering if port forwarding is needed? getting desperate…
not that great w/the port forwards…
Jackett (custom name, or select a default?)
Public UDP Ports: 9117
Public TCP Ports: 9117
Private IP Address: 10.0.1.xx
Private UDP Ports: 9117
Private TCP Ports: 9117
Sonarr (custom name, or select a default?)
Public UDP Ports: 8989
Public TCP Ports: 8989
Private IP Address: 10.0.1.xx
Private UDP Ports: 8989
Private TCP Ports: 8989
what parameters are you starting the container with? eg did you set as part of the container network config?
typically you should be able to create jackett and a sonarr containers on the same docker network and they can see each other via their container names. eg my jackett link in sonarr is http://jackett:9117/api/v2.0/indexers/all/results/torznab/ as my jackett container is named jackett and it works fine, so do the links to each of the individual indexers in jackett
you also have the option of deleting the containers and re-creating them, just in case one or more have become corrupted
not unless you need to access it from outside your home network
are all your containers on the same machine? if on different machines are those machines all behind the same router?
Port forwarding was more me running out of ideas of what is happening.
Remote access not needed at this time. Have not tried using the ‘Jackett’ inside the url…trying…same error.
One single machine
One single docker instance
Inside the one docker instance are Sonarr, Radarr, Jackett and CouchPotato containers
All 4 containers are up, running, accessible through their respective browser url.
Sonar and Radarr will not accept local/jackett URLS ips for indexing
Currently trying the below IPs (from internal IP of Sonarr listed inside Sonarr docker container) - trying them on the Sonarr admin page add index…but no luck.
Title: Resources > Network.
Configure the way Docker containers interact with the network.
Listed as (and a default listed as
just to confirm 10.0.1.x is the host ip range and 192.168.65.x is the container range?
if so then the jacket url should be 192.168.65.x (whatever internal docker ip address it has) when accessed by sonarr or radarr (or any container within that network), you cant go up to the host network and try to come back down via the containers external (host network) address (as most systems wont allow the hair-pinning)
if you cant easily tell what docker ip address it was assigned you could try http://jacket:9117 as it should be able to use the container name as well
it seems you may have tried those already though? in which case perhaps trace logs again with that config? (the last lot showed you using localhost in the url). you may also want to double check that the API key in the indexer entry in sonarr for jackett actually matches whats in jackett.
im using the same linuxserver images that you are and i dont have any issues so it should work. my docker network is set a little differently but that shouldnt matter
another thing to confirm is that you only have one docker network? ie what you posted is the default network and not something you added later? just that your containers have no --network option so will be attached tot he default network. i use --network docker-nas to ensure they are on the correct network i use for my system
Not great w/the IP numbers…at the point where I am just trying anything and everything hoping for hit.
• 10.0.1.x = internal ip to the machine, dedicated IP to the computer.
• (and are IPs located in Docker > Settings > Resources > Network.
• http://localhost:9117/api/v2.0/indexers/limetorrents/results/torznab/ is an example from Jackett.
• tried replacing the localhost w/10.0.1.x, Jackett container name, Jackett image name, jacket, etc.
• api key entered in Sonarr API key field is exact copy from Jackett api (no trailing space etc)
Think there is only docker network, and not sure how to tell.
-> docker ps gives a line for each plugin (4,) and docker images gives an image id for each plugin (4.)
Only one appearance of the docker app is running, yet unable to confirm.
Many reboots, and only launching one docker
Not sure what else I can add to this thought…I’d like to confirm for sure just not sure how.
Any further images and/or logs I can provide? I certainly appreciate the help and everyone has been so kind. Can’t image why this isn’t working yet, and not a coder to be of more help to myself.
Excited - as this is the first time I saw that IP… would there be was to find that IP w/having to run that code? Did I miss it somewhere? Ironically I saw that ip in related posts and tried.
~ % docker network ls
5ef7cd6d9c94 bridge bridge local
bc0eaf84c837 host host local
89f28ea4edfb none null local
Can’t open the page because the server where this page is located isn’t responding.
“No results were returned from your indexer, please check your settings.”
Invalid request Validation failed:
– No results were returned from your indexer, please check your settings.
Invalid request Validation failed:
– No results were returned from your indexer, please check your settings.
Invalid request Validation failed:
– Unable to connect to indexer, check the log for more details
Unable to connect to indexer: DNS Name Resolution Failure: ‘jackett’
normal, this is the internal address, you would have to use the external address (localhost) from a browser
that sounds like it can talk to jackett but jackett isnt returning any data (could also be due to the indexer no longer working properly with jackett)
edit that indexer in jacket and check what category numbers it can support
manually search for something (that is in sonarr) and confirm it is found, and what category number it is under (this will confirm jackett can talk to the indexer, and that there are actual results)
then go back into sonarr and ensure that one (or more) of those category numbers are set in the indexer entry
then search from sonarr again
this one is sort of ok, it just means your docker network cant resolve container names, stick to the ip address for the moment
Jacket indexers selected (Lime mainly) works from Jackett. Test works. Manual search works.
Started ignoring the categories thinking that was just for better results…adding them back in now.
Manually search in Sonarr - nothing is connected from which to search except for a preset called Nyaa Pantsu. External urls seem to work. Not locating categories on located file. In settings, categories are empty, and Anime has 5070. This one item (Nyaa) was never associated, though, w/Jackett.
Manually search in Jackett - this works. Not seeing associated categories from screens. Made note of all categories associated w/desired working tracker (in tracker settings). Tried to create index in sonarr, adding all the categories from the working test in Jackett. “Unable to connect to indexer, check the log for more details”
No results were returned from your indexer, please check your settings.
The docker command line gave what looks like three results. Possible that two of these are not supposed to be there? None of those numbers in the list show on docker ps or docker images list.
~ % docker network ls
5ef7cd6d9c94 bridge bridge local
bc0eaf84c837 host host local
89f28ea4edfb none null local
Hope to filter OUT Anime actually (later of course).
What a good note to go on pause to get sleep for an early morning.
Still not sure how the rest of this gets assembled, more phases for another day. I will use these tips tomorrow to add more indexes and see how that goes. One step at a time.
** THANK YOU **.
Thought I could get this one example quickly added to Radarr, and no categories…just URL and API key. Same url and api key used for sonarr, and radarr gives a “No results were returned from your indexer, please check your settings.”
ok - will get to this tomorrow. thank you once again… progress