Importing extra files overwrites samples over full video files

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Whatever the image uses
OS: Docker image
Description of issue:

I discovered that for downloads with sample video files, Sonarr was hard-linking the sample file instead of the full video file. Confusingly, the import history records showed the source as the correct path to the correct, full video file. Eventually I figured out that this was happening because I had added video extensions to the Import Extra Files/extraFileExtensions field under the Media Management settings. My intention with this was that I wanted all extras to be imported, including video files. Think alternate endings, “making of” videos, interviews, fan edits, etc. inside a season pack. IOW, things that might not fit under the definition of specials.

This is clearly more trouble than it’s worth, so I just removed all video extensions from that setting as a workaround. Mostly I just wanted to write this up some where others might find as I wasn’t able to find anything on this confusing outcome. For example, @brpc, this might be what was behind your issue.

I would, however, make the case that the importing of extras should never over-write/link actual imported files. So feel free to either close this as a “lesson learned” for others to find or keep it open as a bug report for extras overwriting imported files.

Are not supported

One episode
One video file

Are not supported
One episode
One video file

Not helpful

Doesn’t further the discussion

In case it helps anyone else, here’s how I repaired my library.

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