Import Shows From one Sonarr to another

Continuing the discussion from 2 Sonarr's using 1 Seedbox:

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
((Debug logs)):
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue: I’d like to follow up on my post in July detailing what I have done to achieve this, and to ask if theres a further simplification possible.

In essence, I have an Ubuntu seedbox with its own install of Sonarr. That installation is what me and my father use to add shows to, as we can then stream from the seedbox disk using Plex.

However as storage is limited, we are also using BTSync to do a one way sync from the Seedbox harddisk into our individual NAS drives (running their own installs of Sonarr) in our respective homes. The files are being put into the NZBDrone folder, and imported by the local Sonarrs if the series has been added by myself or my father to our respective Sonarrs.

It works well, however the task of having to periodically go into our NZBDrone folders and manually add any series that we have no previously added is an arduous one, so am looking to automate this.

Ideally, if there was a way to backup the shows database on the seedbox to a file, that would allow us to sync that file to our local NAS drives. Obviously we would also need an import process to be able to add these shows to our local Sonarr installations.

I have achieved exactly the above steps with our Couchpotato installs by using it’s backup and restore script available on GitHub. Was wondering if a similar script/process exists for Sonarr?

Many thanks again for all the work on Sonarr.

Sonarr has a backup function, but you’d need to be running the same OS flavour on both sides (the reason being the slashes for paths) and have the same paths (so Sonarr can see the files after the DB is restored). Restoring would involve shutting down Sonarr, extracting the backup zip file and putting it in Sonarr’s ((AppData Directory)).

Alternatively you could use the API to get the list of series on one install and add the series to the other.

As my nas and seedbox do not have the same paths, I think the second api option would be better. I do you think I could call the api to add a new series on my nas when a new episode downloads.

My flow idea is this:
Sonarr seedbox gets a new series added, your or downloads a new episode for an already existing series.
Custom script is set on download trigger, to add the series name to NAS seedbox.
Episode is synced from seedbox to nas via btsync
Nzbdrone picks up episode and processes it into NAS media folder.

The only issue I have a question about is what happens when the api of the NAS sonarr is told to add an already existing series. Will this cause an error?

That should work. Offhand I don’t know what will happen if you try to add an existing series, you’ll either get a message that it failed because it already exists or it will fail in a less graceful way, but in either case it won’t do any damage. It should be somewhat graceful, so if it’s not we’ll need to make it so.

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Cool… I’ll apply it and let you know. Thanks!

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