Sonarr version (exact version):
I have this system mounted
Download for transmission, airdc and direct links on a local hdd
I run a script that renames everything (Spanish) downloaded correctly and moves it (every 10 min) to the processed folder (gdrive)
What can I do to make sonar automatically import everything ?
Manually works
Use the API to tell Sonarr to import:
I’m sorry, but I don’t quite get it. Can you give me an example?
Thank you
There are examples on the wiki for using the API and others have posted scripts here on the forums and some have open source tools on GitHub.
I search forums. I search github (2 results) but didnt work
Can you guide me?
what language is that script in?
The rename is writen in pythom
theres a python script in there, you should be able to rewrite it to do an import
theres also a python sonarr api wrapper you may be able to use
Thank you so much for the help.
I don’t understand much of the code.
I don’t see where to take it and I don’t see manual either.
And the api wiki has no example and the subtitle extractor I don’t even know where to Start
I’ll stick with the manual method
Lots of grace to answer
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