File browser not showing all directories

I am running 32bit Linux Mint based on Ubuntu 14.04. I installed sonarr from the website instructions and all was going well with the configuring until I wanted to set up the torrent handling. I noticed that the file browser was not able to see all the directories, including the one I wanted to set up as a watch directory. I put this in manually and it passed the test, but i get errors that the downloader is not setup. The disk is 1.5TB sata

It looks like the same problem as here

If so, why is mono unable to see a directory structure that linux can? Is this not a mono bug or is the only solution to recompile or reinstall 64 bit OS. If it isn’t the same problem any suggestions?

I like the look of Sonarr (coming from Sickrage) look forward to getting it working.

many thanks

Check permissions on the folders, if Sonarr doesn’t have read access to the folder it won’t be visible in the folder list.

Hey thanks for the suggestion.

I checked the permissions they look OK to me. As an example I can see Videos, but I can’t see rtorrent.

drwxrwxr-x  7 alleyoopster alleyoopster       100 Oct  7 11:15 rtorrent
drwxr-xr-x  4 alleyoopster alleyoopster        32 Nov 14  2014 Videos

There are about half I cannot see in the home directory. The system folders look OK

In the init script I have:

setuid alleyoopster

Does Sonarr fail to import from the path that rTorrent reports as the completed path? With Completed Download Handling and Sonarr running on the same machine as rTorrent you shouldn’t need to configure anything.

I have yet to trigger a download to start in rtorrent or see if Sonarr imports from completed.
However, I have now managed to enter it manually again an it seems to be working, however the file browser (when entering torrent or watch folder for torrent blackhole) does not display all the directories. When entering manually, it also does not auto complete next directory. As if the directory doesn’t exist.

For example, I enter /home/ and I will see /home/alleyoopster. When I enter /home/alleyoopster/ : /home/alleyoopster/rtorrent does not show up and rtorrent, among others, does not show up on the file browser.

Entering manually the path manually maybe a work around, but I think this maybe a bug. I’ll see if I can get it to download to see if it picks up completed.

I did some testing last night and the watch directory is working :smile:
EDIT: Just for clarification I mean the watch directory of rtorrent, so downloads are starting.

On completion rtorrent is moving the torrent to a ~/rtorrent/complete/series and that is a far as it gets. The download handling is not happening. I am not sure if this is due to problems accessing the directory or something else. The only thing I can see in the logs is

15-10-8 08:13:02.9|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 1 reports downloaded.

Completed Download Handling is enabled

Is there some testing I can do to confirm what is failing?

EDIT: Additional info below. The ~/rtorrent/complete/series directory has many videos in it, but sonarr is reporting 0 found.

15-0-8 13:38:16.0|Trace|EventAggregator|ConfigFileSavedEvent <~ ReconfigureLogging
15-10-8 13:38:39.0|Trace|Scheduler|Pending Tasks: 1
15-10-8 13:38:39.0|Trace|CommandQueueManager|Publishing CheckForFinishedDownload
15-10-8 13:38:39.0|Trace|CommandQueueManager|Checking if command is queued or started: CheckForFinishedDownload
15-10-8 13:38:39.0|Trace|CommandQueueManager|Inserting new command: CheckForFinishedDownload
15-10-8 13:38:39.0|Trace|CommandExecutor|CheckForFinishedDownloadCommand -> DownloadMonitoringService
15-10-8 13:38:39.0|Trace|CommandQueueManager|Marking command as started: CheckForFinishedDownload
15-10-8 13:38:39.1|Debug|DiskScanService|Scanning '/home/alleyoopster/rtorrent/complete/series' for video files
15-10-8 13:38:39.1|Debug|DiskScanService|0 video files were found in /home/alleyoopster/rtorrent/complete/series
15-10-8 13:38:39.1|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'removecompleteddownloads' defaultValue:'False'

UPDATE: I tried using another directory, one that the file browser can see. I placed the recently snatched video file and placed it in the directory. When the process ran I get the same trace in the log which reports > 0 video files were found

Using Drone Factory imports appeared to work and moved and renamed the video file.

I need some help to continue any further with this. Thanks

Fixed it.
15-10-10 16:14:19.9|Debug|DiskScanService|Scanning ‘/home/alleyoopster/rtorrent/complete/series/’ for video files
15-10-10 16:14:19.9|Debug|DiskScanService|1 video files were found in /home/alleyoopster/rtorrent/complete/series/

The problem was the combination of all of these together:

  1. XFS filesystem
  2. 32 bit OS
  3. Mono installed from packages
  4. Large partition

For mono to run on a 32bit OS with XFS and a large partition it must be compiled with -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 as the other post pointed out. It took me ages to realise this as I was sure I was running ext4, but on looking at the LVM volume to double check yesterday it was indeed XFS.

Mono was proving to be a pain to compile so I backed up reformatted ext4 and restored /home. It is working a treat now.

Thanks Taloth on #sonarr IRC for the sanity check and markus101 for helping out here :grinning:

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