Failure to recognize half the files in a directory in Linux

Hi, i recently moved my tv shows to a new raid with xfs.

After that nzbdrone fails to read half the folders of the new filesystem, including the folder with my tv shows.
The symptoms are very weird, when i’m trying to add shows using “import existing series from disk”, you usually get the auto-completion of path names while typing the path to the target folder.

My series are located in /mnt/raid/series while the /mnt/raid folder contains 12 folders in total.
The permissions in the /mnt/raid folder are setup correctly because the nzbdrone user can access/list the files inside but the autocompletion is unable to list all folders withing /mnt/raid.

So if i type /mnt/raid/ into the text box, the auto completion only suggests 4 out of the 12 folders within /mnt/raid.
But it’s not a bug with the autocompletion because if i explicitly type /mnt/raid/series into the text box and click on the checkbox to scan this directory, nothing happens, no scanning is taking place at all. Also there is not output in the log.

Tracing the nzbdrone process via strace also reveals that it is only checking access permissions on 4 of the 12 folders so i have no idea what is causing it to ignore the rest.

This is a real bummer because basically, i cannot add/scan/access any series in this folder at all. It seems to have nothing to do with permissions because if i open a bash as the nzbdrone user, i’m able to list all the folders and browse my series without a problem.

I would be happy to install any debug version/bug fixing attempts to get rid of the problem and assist development if necessary.

Ok, i solved the issue by recompiling mono with -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
it turns out that my filesystem was too big for 32bit directory entires and that caused problems in the mono c api because it was compiled with the default 32bit directory entries on my 32bit host