Hi all,
First of all thanks for providing Sonarr to the usenet community.
I’ve been having a problem with it though.
When I perform a manual search to check how my filters are being handled, almost every found post is rejected due to the fact that there is a language conflict. By default the English language is selected, and the shows I watch are mostly English, so this should be good.
But when a post name contains “nl subs” or “nl”, I believe sonar thinks it’s in the dutch language, so it’s rejected. While it’s the subtitles that are mentioned…
I’ve created a profile in which I checked “dutch” for language and applied it to the show. this gives reverse results. So now all found shows that don’t contain “nlsubs” or “nl” are rejected. And sonar says “dutch wanted but found english”
I hope my writing makes sense.
Has anybody had this problem?, and have a possible answer?.