Cant open localhost

I just installed windows 8.1 a week back and all was working fine. All of a sudden when I go to localhost:8989 it says webpage not available. I tried reinstalling nzbdrone but that did not help either.

any idea or suggestions what should I do.

We stay away from port 80 because its a restricted port in Windows (among other reasons). I’m confident the update had nothing to do with the port changing, but it took effect then because it was restarted.

You can check the [log files] ( as well as double check the port in config.xml (up one folder from the logs).

well i tried port 80 as well. dint work. my config.xml says port 8989. heres how my config.xml looks

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

Its really strange my browser cannot connect to nzbdrone. never seen that happen before

Check your log files and pastebin them if you want us to take a look.

the pastebin of the log files

Looks like the port was changed to 9887 at some point, I assume that was intentional after you posted your config, was there any change?

Back on the 5th there was some errors when refreshing a couple series, but they succeeded on the 6th, so there isn’t an issue there. What browser(s) have you used? Have you tried restarting your computer?

I am using Chrome also tried ie. Neither worked. Restarted computer a few times as well. Uninstalled and reinstalled nzbdrone fresh but that dint work either.

Try using “netstat -aon” in a command prompt. Look for and the port/PID. Taskmanager will show the process that is using the PID. This should show you what port sonarr is using… example:

I’m using port 6789 and pid is 8312

Since you are using localhost, you shouldn’t have to worry about the windows firewall… you are trying to access sonarr locally, correct?


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this is going to sound really strange but after I did netstat -aon and tried running nzbdrone it just worked out of the blue. I have no idea how this happened but its working now.

thanks everyone who advised.

the same problem came again and i just cant get it working anymore. I checked TCP and couldnt find port 8989 which is the default port as per config. also when i run nzbdrone i saw it showed the PID in task manager as 5844 for a few seconds. but nothing in the “netstat -aon” command.

Please someone advice what should i do. everything else is working perfect including couchpotato, sabnzbd and plex

Whats the PID of the currently running NzbDone.exe or NzbDrone.Console.exe (you can find it in task manager)?

What do the log files show when it starts up? (delete the existing ones, stop all instances of Sonarr and then start it up).

nzbdrone.exe and nzbdrone.console.exe are not running in task manager. even when i start it, it just shows for a few seconds in task manager and then dissapears.

I cleared the logs and ran nzbdrone.console.exe and it just gave error. ran nzbdrone.exe after that it just dint start.

here is the pastebin of the log file

What error did it give? I don’t see anything in the logs.

here is the screenshot of the nzbdrone.console when i run it.

What antivirus software do you have installed? That error is coming from outside of Sonarr, something else running on the system maybe.

Do you have Rapport by Trusteer installed?

No antivirus, never heard of rapport or trusteer…

Do you have a proxy setup in Internet Explorer? This is a pretty similar issue:

The author ended up changing some configuration to avoid the proxy, but thats not something we can do, since it might be relied on. The underlying exception was fixed with a combination of netsh winsock reset (at an admin command prompt) and restarting the computer.

Doing this and then seeing if everything is working is the next step, if it reoccurs then I’d start looking at NIC drivers and security software, but if it comes to that its something specific to your configuration.

I did the winsock reset and also disabled and enabled NIC but still not working.

i just did a system restore as well to 11th november when it used to work fine but still no luck with getting nzbdrone working :(:frowning: i really need to get it back working don’t want to end up going to sickbeard…

If you run a netstat | find /i “close” do you have a lot of CLOSE_WAIT?

I’ve been getting that on my server and was forced to do a reboot eventually to clear them out. Other stuff was still working as well. Something keeps tying up all of my TCP ports.