I just need to know if I can change the name Sonaar look for on indexer I can search and find the show but Sonarr does not. The indexer has show as abc s01 e01 and Sonarr is looking for abc (2016) s01 e01 this is the case with 2 new series from 6/14/16 any help would be AWESOME THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!
I assume you are talking about Uncle Buck and Wrecked series.
There is a thread here that you can put the correct scene name. I have added those two
edit: Both are now added i see. Do a refresh scene mapping on sonarr and then a automatic download and you should get them. Wrecked was just finished downloading. Uncle buck was deleted, horrible pilot
Awesome THANK YOU!!! The other one is the new series Animal Kingdom I looked at the post for Scene Naming but I am not sure how to make a request and I dont want to make any one mad and do it wrong.
Don’t worry you want get anyone mad, everyone here are calm
Just go to the thread and on the top post (first one) you will see a link for submission of a new scene mapping. You then need to provide the correct name of the show along with its tvdb id and that’s it.
say wuuuuut??? How do you do that?
system=>tasks tab=> click on the refresh scene mapping icon on the right
I think it’s also enough to just refresh the offending show: click the show, click the update icon on the top (“update series info and scan disk”).
No need to update all shows
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