"You should not download to a root folder."?

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: macOS 10.12.6 (16G2136)
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

Just received an update to Sonarr. I reloaded, and now I have this message in my Status page:

“Download client qB places downloads in the root folder /Volumes/Media1/Complete Media/. You should not download to a root folder.”

This is where I’ve downloaded my media for years, then it gets moved into a “Series” folder, renamed, etc. What’s the trouble here? What is the desired setup?

So I realized there is a little tiny icon to the right that I can click to get more information. Unfortunately I don’t understand what it’s trying to suggest I do.

Within the application, a root folder is defined as the configured media library folder. You’re downloading directly into your root (library) folder. This frequently causes issues and is not advised. To fix this change your download client so it is not placing downloads within your root folder. Please note that this check looks at all defined/configured root folders added not only root folders currently in use.

So what exactly am I supposed to do here? Sonarr downloads to this directory, then moves show episodes to the Series folder where they actually live. I fail to see what the problem is with this. Do I have to for some reason download to a folder within a folder? I can’t just download to a folder located on the root of the volume? I really don’t grasp this.

I came here to complain about the exact same issue as I have been downloading to the same drive/folder everyday for more than a year and then suddenly, sonarr’s most recent update decides to whine and complain about it…well, I can complain too, lol.

“Download client qBittorrent places downloads in the root folder D:. You should not download to a root folder.”

After their next update fixes this whining complaint from sonarr, I will be blocking any/all updates permanently. No software or application requires updates every few hours on a daily basis, it’s overkill.

Yeah I’m wondering if this is an overly-aggressive error message that doesn’t really apply, or if there is in fact a problem here that was always there, that we just didn’t know about and now they flag. If there is a problem that could cause issues, I’d like to know about it. Unfortunately the documentation doesn’t actually clarify anything for me.

Root folder = sorted media, managed by sonarr
Download folder = location your download client uses to store files which are then picked up and moved/sorted into the above folder by sonarr

It’s bad practice and in edge cases can lead to issues when you use the same folder for both. Think of it like you want one application in charge of each folder, because otherwise they might fight for control of the files.

Example folder structure (for docker, but applicable sort of everywhere): https://wiki.servarr.com/Docker_Guide#Examples
Edit: “data” in the example can be your drive root if you’re NOT using docker.

In my case, it is not actually the root folder but a 2nd subfolder with other subfolders to the actual system on the network where it is located, however, to sonarr, it is the root folder because it is mapped directly to that 2nd subfolder on the network, but irregardless, if this path/drive has been working properly for me and others then sonarr should not suddenly complain about it. I just noticed that the status message has now changed from a red system status to a yellow warning.

OH!!! It’s talking about having both Sonarr manage the same folder that the BT client is actually downloading into. OK now I get it. The language in the documentation doesn’t say that simple thing, would’ve made it so much more clear!

OK so the question is, how the hell can I correct that? My media is downloaded into a folder called “incomplete media” (so NOT downloading into the “root folder” in question) and when finished, is moved into “complete media”, which Sonarr then looks at to grab series’ and move them. What is the preferred/expected way to do this? I’m already not natively downloading into my Complete media folder so… I’m still lost as far as what I should be doing about this.

Don’t do anything, wait till they fix this warning issue.


@Thirrian you can link to the new wiki :slight_smile:

https://wikijs.servarr.com/docker-guide#examples or trash’s guide


After their next update fixes this whining complaint from sonarr, I will be blocking any/all updates permanently. No software or application requires updates every few hours on a daily basis, it’s overkill.

Not sure what you’re talking about? This is factually incorrect. However, if you wish to stay on outdated, buggy version…you do you.

In my case, it is not actually the root folder but a 2nd subfolder with other subfolders to the actual system on the network where it is located, however, to sonarr, it is the root folder because it is mapped directly to that 2nd subfolder on the network, but irregardless, if this path/drive has been working properly for me and others then sonarr should not suddenly complain about it.

Without actual paths, I cannot comment on this, but my best guess is you’re misunderstanding the error (which again, is accurate).

I just noticed that the status message has now changed from a red system status to a yellow warning.

Well red statuses are system errors…which are bad and should be corrected.
Yellow statuses are system warnings…which are not great and should be corrected.

Don’t do anything, wait till they fix this warning issue.

There is nothing to fix. The error is accurate.

@kheldar the message is accurate
sounds like you have /Volumes/Media1/Complete Media/ either erroneously added a root folder or have a series or list pointing there.

correct setup would be downloads go to say /Volumes/Media1/Complete Media/ and library folder is /Volumes/Media1/Series ?

Thirrian covered it well as well.

I’ve updated the wiki to cover that point you noted to clarify.
Old: Please note that this check looks at all defined/configured root folders added not only root folders currently in use.
New: Please note that this check looks at all defined/configured root folders added not only root folders currently in use. In other words, the folder your download client downloads into or moves completed downloads to, should not be the same folder you have configured as your root/library/final media destination folder in the *arr application.

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Nice improvement @bakerboy448 thank you for that!

So in response to your point on my root folder… I have imported manually, downloads from that folder before. Did that add my Complete Media folder as a root folder for some reason? It correctly moves the files (or copies, if I so choose) to my Series folder, and then everything is watched from there. Do I need to remove Complete Media from the list of root folders in Sonarr? Will it just get added back again the next time I do a manual import? This is still quite confusing to me. Thanks!

if the completed media folder is configured as a root folder, then my guess is you did a library import not a manual import from it at one point

but no a manual import will not add a root folder.

updated the wiki as well, but you can find the configured root folders Settings -> Media Management -> Root Folders

Do I need to remove Complete Media from the list of root folders in Sonarr?

sounds like it

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Interesting… I have no idea what the difference is between a library import and a manual import. I was not aware of any sort of import other than manual.

“stay on outdated, buggy version”

Apparently, that means that every version that is updated is making it buggy(er), hence, no point in constant daily updates unless it is absolutely and critically necessary since it is already buggy enough.

The status changed from red to yellow on its own, I didn’t change anything as it has been the same every day since early 2020, and again, just like others have mentioned, I have been using the same path and storage locations for more than a year without any changes anywhere but the latest update decided to complain about it with red system errors and yellow warnings, so yes, a dev suddenly decided to add this pestering notification.

Better yet, where is the option to “turn it off”, “disable it”, or “ignore” that notification status?

Edit Update:
Exited qbit, restarted sonarr, started qbit and the warning message is gone, so now there are no error messages or warning messages as of 22-minutes ago. Let us see how long it goes without it complaining about it again, lol.

Well red statuses are system errors…which are bad and should be corrected.
Yellow statuses are system warnings…which are not great and should be corrected.

Don’t do anything, wait till they fix this warning issue.

There is nothing to fix. The error is accurate.

How can the error be accurate when you just called it a warning?

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Just because your config has always worked, doesn’t mean it’s not wrong and could create issues. That warning was put there to help people, not for fun :slightly_smiling_face:

a healthcheck error is a healthcheck error my friend regardless of the type

“stay on outdated, buggy version”

Apparently, that means that every version that is updated is making it buggy(er), hence, no point in constant daily updates unless it is absolutely and critically necessary since it is already buggy enough.

Nope every main version is not buggy.

In fact there are no bugs on this thread…just because you think it is a bug does not make it a bug

Nope. main simply factually does not receive daily updates.

In fact here’s the two updates to main

develop may receive daily updates

(Nightly) : This is the bleeding edge. It is released as soon as code is committed and passes all automated tests. This build may have not been used by us or other users yet. There is no guarantee that it will even run in some cases. This branch is only recommended for advanced users. Issues and self investigation are expected in this branch.

The status changed from red to yellow on its own, I didn’t change anything as it has been the same every day since early 2020, and again, just like others have mentioned, I have been using the same path and storage locations for more than a year without any changes anywhere but the latest update decided to complain about it with red system errors and yellow warnings, so yes, a dev suddenly decided to add this pestering notification.

Sounds like you had an healthcheck error type of error that went away and then still had a healthcheck error type of warning.
It is not a pestering notification: downloading into your library/root folder ALWAYS eventually causes problems.

Better yet, where is the option to “turn it off”, “disable it”, or “ignore” that notification status?

You cannot disable healthchecks.

Edit Update:
Exited qbit, restarted sonarr, started qbit and the warning message is gone, so now there are no error messages or warning messages as of 22-minutes ago. Let us see how long it goes without it complaining about it again, lol.

It’ll happen again unless you changed your paths.

If you wish to provide the paths Qbit is downloading into and the root folders you configured in sonarr, we can likely see the problem real quick.

Hey dude, it was YOU who said “Yellow statuses are system warnings” not I. And while you may consider it a “healthcheck error” I will still consider your statement an error in English. IOW calling it a warning in one breath and an error in another breath is just a plain ole error on your part.

Ok, allow me to clarify in case I’m not explaining it properly.

My setup has been the same for 1.5-years, ie: all folders, directories, drive letters, mappings…etc. in both sonarr and qbit have been the same every day for that amount of time and sonarr has never complained about it ie-(it never showed warnings or errors in regards to any folders, drives, or paths); however, suddenly, sonarr decides that it needs to warns us with red and yellow warning status in regards to this particular root folder location where qbit has been downloading to since installation almost two years ago.

downloading into your library/root folder ALWAYS eventually causes problems

Yet, it has never caused any problems for me and for those others, but yes, eventually anything/everything will cause problems regardless, the point is that it has never caused issues for me or those others that have been using the same setup for years. I expect software to have bugs and sometimes cause issues or conflicts, however, in this particular case, this was an unnecessary red/yellow warning that served absolutely no purpose for all of us that have been using the same setup for years without issues or problems from sonarr.

Nope every main version is not buggy.

In fact there are no bugs on this thread…just because you think it is a bug does not make it a bug

Nope. main simply factually does not receive daily updates.

In fact here’s the two updates to main

However, if you wish to stay on outdated, buggy version

You were the one that called it buggy and I’m just agreeing with you.

It’ll happen again unless you changed your paths.

I wouldn’t doubt it since this warning was recently implemented and pushed to one of the recent updates. My setup has been working perfectly as is for almost two years.

I just sent you a PM with the locations of the configured paths in Qbit and Sonarr.

From personal experience, I have come across with more problems and issues by changing something that is already perfect (subjectively) than when it is left “as is” regardless that at some point it may or may not cause issues or become a problem, after all, changing it does not guarantee that at some point later on it will not cause problems or become an issue. I’m not alone in this as others I know have learned this the hard way.

For years, some of us have been using a single root folder with subfolders without any issues, and now sonarr was updated to complain about it. The method of not using root folders as per the wiki guide example structure should just be a suggestion only and not as a warning error message that they now decided to suddenly implement in their recent update.

Why change or fix something that has been working fine for years without issues. Yes, in some cases two applications can interfere and conflict with each by trying to access the same directory, however, this has not been an issue between sonarr and the download client for me and apparently, for others as well.

From the Wiki: “This frequently causes issues and is not advised.”
Almost two years and I have never had a single issue.

Please show me where are all the other users of sonarr that had issues due to using the same root folder for both sonarr and the download client.

Perhaps some download clients are more aggressive than others and will cause these precise issues, however, this has not been the case with Qbit.