XEM Fast N Loud

The scene puts out s05e15 which is supposed to be s06e01, and s05e16 which should be s06e02.

Even though the mapping already exists on thexem.de Sonarr is unable to find these, and I have to manually download them.

I thought all that was required was to add the to XEM?

XEM needs to be kept up to date as well, it was just updated a few minutes ago.

How do you know when it was updated? I first looked a few minutes ago and it was there. The mappings for the coming episodes are already done, yet they still remain on draft…

I was talking with NMe when he did it, but also: http://thexem.de/xem/changelog/1691

Awesome, seems to be working now!

Thanks a lot!

If something seems right on XEM but Sonarr isn’t picking up on it, try updating your show first. Chances are it was changed after your last periodic update.

This show continues to be a nightmare, I have missed random shows since Sonaar never downloads them automatically.

I can’t believe a manual episode search show the right release, yet I have no way of saying “Download as” or whatever.

This is frustrating.

are you talking about Fast N Loud or Fast N Loud Demolition theatre?

I tried my best to keep fast u loud correct at tvdb and xem while it was airing, that should be working fine, has been no new episodes on that its been stopped many many weeks.

what episode is the actual problem?