XBMC Library not being cleaned on update

Now that the new quality priority options are in place, I have been testing updating some of my shows and even though I have the options turned on the “Clean Library After Update” is not happening. I now see 2 copies of all the shows until I manually run a cleanup, and then it’s fine. I have looked in the logs and I do not even see any output regarding cleaning, and I don’t see the cleanup window pop up in XBMC either, unless I run it manually.

I will attach a copy of the logs, you can see I downloaded a 720p bluray copy of a show I had a 720p HDTV already on disk. It updates and loads fine, but doesn’t clean and I end up with duplicates, I also attached a screenshot of my XBMC library showing the dupes.

I checked my XBMC logs for the same time period and I get this:

17:57:52 T:1844 ERROR: XBMC.CleanLibrary is not possible while scanning or cleaning

is it possible that NZBdrone is sending the cleanup command too soon and it’s still updating and therefore failing to cleanup?



Yeah, the clean is triggered shortly after the update, I’ll take a look and see how it can be make more reliable.

For a workaround, you can configure xbmc via the advancedsettings.xml config file to always clean after updating the library. Here’s my advancedsettings.xml file, note the “cleanonupdate” entry in the videolibrary section:


This file is located here (linux) by default:

