Wierd nzb picking

The last 1 or 2 weeks I see in my sabnzbd that I get from a tv show 2 items
1 = a download with nzb
2 = actual file is being downloaded,

so not 1 file and everything is being processed but 2x

any thoughts about this?

Can you give some more context, I don’t understand your example. A concrete example would be great.

Downloaded in 0 seconds at an average of 259 KB/s
Sent [’/home/dennis/Downloads/complete/_UNPACK_Atlantis_2013.2x03.Telemon.720p_HDTV_x264-FoV/Atlantis_2013.2x03.Telemon.720p_HDTV_x264-FoV.nzb’] to queue

Download Downloaded in 2 minutes 1 second at an average of 10.0 MB/s

seems a nzedb issue
[221674]-[FULL]-[a.b.teeveeEFNet]-[ Atlantis_2013.2x03.Telemon.720p_HDTV_x264-FoV ]-[1/1] - “Atlantis_2013.2x03.Telemon.720p_HDTV_x264-FoV.nzb” yEnc

that is what sonarr tells me what he picked from the nzedb
what I see is that this file is being indexed 2x … 1x as nzb and 1x as file… the nzb is directed to the file
That is why its double.

Probably not an issue sonarr :wink: