Why doesn't sonarr grab x264 versions than upgrade to x265 after the fact

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Windows 10

With radarr, I use the same settings. I have a tag for x265 which I put for the releases but in radarr it will still grab the x264 and than upgrade whenever it is available. This is far preferred since in sonarr with the exact same settings, sonarr ignores the x264 versions and refuses to download them without the x265 tag. They are identical setups, is this a limitation in sonarr, an added feature in radarr or do i have some setting somewhere else different that i cannot find?? Example below since it just happened.

Tags have nothing at all to do with searching; what do you think tags do?

Tags allow you to target specific indexers / release profiles / delay profiles to specific series.

Tags have the same affect in radarr. Presumably you’re using custom formats in radarr given tags themselves have no impact at all on what is it is not grabbed. The sonarr equivalent is release profiles

Yes, they do. in sonarr if you have the x265 tag, it will not grab an x264 release. it is quite clear in what they say “The release must contain at least one of these terms (case insensitive)” So you can interchange words such as search, but it does effect what is grabbed. When you create a release profile, you add the “tag” to apply that to the release.

No those are not tags! Those are release profiles.

No where in the UI or in the docs are those called tags?

So that screenshot doesn’t clearly show them under “tags” huh??? I know they aren’t the same thing as “tags” such as you are defining for web search related things. As I said which apparently you don’t get, when you create the release profile, you add that as a “tag” in sonarr/radarr for it to be applied. You aren’t answering the question so thank you for trying.

At least post a screenshot of your release profile… now there’s only half of the story.

Regardless, did you fill in x265 in “must contain” instead of as a preferred word with a positive score? The GUI is pretty clear on what either option does imo…

Which tag you use to assign the profile to series is irrelevant, a tag doesn’t dictate what words should or shouldn’t be in a release for it to be grabbed. The settings in the release profile with that tag do that.

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So that screenshot doesn’t clearly show them under “tags” huh??? I know they aren’t the same thing as “tags” such as you are defining for web search related things. As I said which apparently you don’t get, when you create the release profile, you add that as a “tag” in sonarr/radarr for it to be applied. You aren’t answering the question so thank you for trying.

It shows tags, but you have no idea what you are talking about and clearly have failed to read anything in the UI or wiki, yet seem to respond with a know-it-all attitude.

Literally told you to use release profiles and that tags have nothing to do with anything by themselves. But apparently you won’t read the docs nor look at the UI itself.

Tags - Note listed with each tag is what type of object it applies to

Settings Page Describing Tags

Release Profiles - Not Tags, rectangle showing a tag in use

Official Wiki explicitly stating that what you think Tags are, that actually release profiles

Official Wiki explicitly explaining what Tags are

Once again please explain in detail how a tag by itself (i.e. without being in a release profile and a series) does not anything at all for controlling upgrades. That literally does not exist in the docs, in the ui, nor in the code.

Now if you were asking how to prefer x265 versions and given Preferred Words are always an upgrade, that answer would be to create a Release Profile preferring - or must containing if you wish - the following Regex should do it /[xh][ .]?265|\\bHEVC(\\b|\\d)/i

However, given that is not at all what you’re asking and you’re insistent as such. I guess that will not solve your issue, so maybe do not use it.


That should work as intended, unless all x264 releases which are skipped are in a quality that’s not enabled, another (possibly the global) release profile is preventing it, not enough seeders/leechers or however it works for torrents…

Well, I thought I had the profile setup right. All I know is the same setup seems to work the way I expect in radarr, like I showed, but that seems to be achieved with the custom formats. I’ll have to poke around the other profiles and see if there is anything that seems to be conflicting. Next time I notice any show do the same thing, and blow off x264 while waiting for x265 like this, I’ll try to hit the debug log quickly to see if there is any notification of why it was ignored. Just seems tough to catch it at the right time. Anyways, thanks for at least verifying I am setup right and giving a thoughtful response.

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