Whole TV Show Move Broken

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10 2004 x64
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

So i thought i was losing my mind but turns out, i wasn’t…

Whenever i run out of space on a drive, i will create a folder on another drive and pont a show at that new folder. Sonarr then asks if i want to move them manually or it can do it for me and i always say do it for me.

I did this with The X-Files last week and all the files disappeared. I re-downloaded everything (400+ GB) and a few days later, i found the files and Season folders in the ROOT of the TV Shows folder instead of TV Shows\The X-Files.

Chalked it up to me being a dumbass but i meant to come here to say that Sonarr didn’t warn me of this when it usually does.

Fast forward to just now and i tried to move another 400GB show (Big Brother Canada) to another drive because Sonarr was complaining that TV Shows 21 had no more space to import stuff in the queue. 2 hours later, Sonarr still complained that there was no space. I went to look at the root of the TV Shows folder in the new drive and sure enough, i found the Season 1 folder of the show right there instead of the Big Brother Canada folder. Not sure why it didn’t move EVERYTHING but still, i triple checked that i chose the right folder before clicking Yes, Move Files for me. The log start says:

20-10-30 18:08:59.9|Info|MoveSeriesService|Moving Big Brother Canada from ‘Y:\TV Shows 21\Big Brother Canada’ to ‘O:\TV Shows 12\Big Brother Canada’

And then it errors out with:

20-10-30 18:09:41.1|Error|MoveSeriesService|Unable to move series from ‘Y:\TV Shows 21\Big Brother Canada’ to ‘O:\TV Shows 12\Big Brother Canada’. Try moving files manually

[v3.0.3.971] System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError()
at System.IO.File.InternalMove(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean checkHost)
at NzbDrone.Common.Disk.DiskProviderBase.MoveFileInternal(String source, String destination) in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Common\Disk\DiskProviderBase.cs:line 267
at NzbDrone.Common.Disk.DiskProviderBase.MoveFile(String source, String destination, Boolean overwrite) in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Common\Disk\DiskProviderBase.cs:line 254
at NzbDrone.Common.Disk.DiskTransferService.TryMoveFileVerified(String sourcePath, String targetPath, Int64 originalSize) in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Common\Disk\DiskTransferService.cs:line 484
at NzbDrone.Common.Disk.DiskTransferService.TransferFile(String sourcePath, String targetPath, TransferMode mode, Boolean overwrite) in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Common\Disk\DiskTransferService.cs:line 364
at NzbDrone.Common.Disk.DiskTransferService.TransferFolder(String sourcePath, String targetPath, TransferMode mode) in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Common\Disk\DiskTransferService.cs:line 112
at NzbDrone.Common.Disk.DiskTransferService.TransferFolder(String sourcePath, String targetPath, TransferMode mode) in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Common\Disk\DiskTransferService.cs:line 103
at NzbDrone.Core.Tv.MoveSeriesService.MoveSingleSeries(Series series, String sourcePath, String destinationPath, Nullable1 index, Nullable1 total) in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Tv\MoveSeriesService.cs:line 59

Everything is broken in that version. Follow the information in the announcement thread: Issues After Updating to

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