With the new name change, when will the NzbDrone.exe and .config/NzbDrone file and folder names be changed? I maintain the unRAID plugin and when these change, it will break the current plugin, so I was hoping to preemptively prepare an update for when this change will happen. I assume that the names will be updated to reflect the new app name.
We haven’t planned that out, its a significant change with many configurations to worry about, we may defer the move to a v3 release to avoid any auto update hell. We’ll definitely announce things when we have it planned out, for not everything will be superficial changes.
Maybe we should create a mailing list where we can notify people that want to be notified about the name change?
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Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.
you can sign up here and we’ll notify you to as soon as have more info on how the renmaing will happen,
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Excellent! Signed up