Just updated to the latest version of sonarr and I am trying to import my shows from old nzbdrone install but it still using trakt. So the old shows are not showing up. So I cannot import
The new version doesn’t connect to trakt at all, which version are you running?
Not really sure I understand what you mean when you say you’re trying to import, if you do an upgrade you don’t need to import the shows again.
Im sorry I should have explained better.
I used an unraid 6 system and currently use a plugin. Well i noticed that I could not add shows then read that i need to update. So instead of doing it from the unraid menu i did it from the app and it crashed hard. So i had to start over. I decided to use the new Docker implementation, which i liked, and i can add show now with no issues, but i cannot import my old shows. Using version
Thats just a UI message, its not actually using trakt (we’ll have to fix that up).
You’ll have to grab some [debug logs] (https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/Log-Files) so we can see whats going on.
Well i found my issue why my old shows were not importing. Helps if you use the correct symlinks from the docker container to unraid.
However when i did this it posted the error in the picture. Im not sure why its doing that.
Here is the container symlinks
I also notice that when i added a show it did not create the show folder, do i need to configure the drone factory?
Since SAB is reporting different paths you need to add a remote path mapping to reverse the container symlinks, you can add those on the download clients settings page.
Host - the hostname/IP you used for SAB (in Sonarr’s config)
Local - the container volume
Remove - the Host path (from the container symlinks screenshot)
I gave a pretty thorough answer to this question here:
No, only if you need to import something that Sonarr wasn’t able to handle (by renaming it) or via torrents/an external drive (or something like that).
Markus thanks again
I will correct this ans report back
I still the odd "competed Download service error on some shows when i imported
I can add shows and it will create folders
I am downloading so we will see if it process correclty
here are screenshots of my changes
Why did you remove the /volumes/completed path from the config? Seems like your mixing up where SAB puts things and where Sonarr will sort them to in the end now.
Host shouldn’t have a port, it should be entered exactly how you entered in the SAB config (if you entered a port there its wrong and should go in the port field).
I scrap it again and was just about to give up when I search the unraid forums.
and found this treasure
[]unraid sab,couch, sonarr docker setup1
When I saw the pictures it made sense on what you were telling me to do and boom, no more odd CompleteDownloadService errors and it pull show and had no issues creating new series folders.
I think my issues are solved i just needed pictures because I’m a little slow.