What's the current "best" indexer...?

Been using finder for some time, seems to not be as good as before.


try /r/usenet

not a sonarr question

Well, I started using nzbfinder on advice I got right here, so pardon me if I disagree…

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I use Jackett as a companion to both Sonarr and Radarr. I can then add as many indexers as I want depending on the ones I prefer. I would say that LimeTorrents and 1337x are my favorite, together with Rarbg. But I trust Sonarr to pick the best releases and sometimes I have to manually step-in to select other releases.

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Thanks for that, but I do not use torrents, ever.

Opps, I misinterpreted you.
Sorry I couldn’t help.

I use both…
I host Jackett locally and have a lifetime subscription to NZBGeek.
NZBGeek lifetime gives me a dedicated API for my searches ($20.00) and well worth it…
I prefer NZB’s over Torrents but Jackett is useful too when searching for particular items.!

Grab all Jackett results for your torrent searches
https:// JACKETT IP ADDRRESS/jackett/api/v2.0/indexers/all/results/torznab


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Wow, quite the difference after adding geek. Thanks.

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