I followed the guide on the wiki to enable SSL, but Chrome only gives me the error “ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED”. The webui doesn’t load, however using HTTP with port 8989 it does load. I can also see that it is listening on port 9898. Would appreciate any help.
Upgrade mono, need 3.10 or higher (the 0 is significant)
Try another browser
Unfortunately mono doesn’t (yet) support newer SSL ciphers and Chrome has begun blocking old ones to prevent misuse, which means Chrome is often unable to connect and terminates the SSL connection. Firefox might be doing the same. An alternative would be to use a reverse proxy to handle the SSL termination, though not ideal.
It doesn’t work in Chrome or Edge. I also had a friend try on his Chrome and Edge, and Chrome gave the same error, but his Edge crashed. My mobile Chrome asks me to install a cert to my phone which I’ve never seen before.
[Edit] I went to bed and took a look at it today. I was misreading everything. I had to generate an authentication certificate which I have done and installed. Sorry for creating a pointless thread. Thank you for your time and help though