WEBRip-1080p and WEB-DL1080p

Please forgive my ignorance here, but I am a bit confused. If WEB-DL is better than WEB-Rip, why does Sonarr replace a WEB-DL file with a RERIP (WEB-Rip) version? Regardless if it is a RERIP, doesn’t the higher profile setting override the lower? I tried to remove WEB-Rip from my profile, but it says that “Groups must contain multiple qualities”.

Thanks in advance.



A quality group in a profile must contain multiple qualities, otherwise it’s not much of a grouping of multiple qualities. Just drag Webdl out of the group as well and delete the group.

Edit: to elaborate, every quality within such a group is considered equal.
Rerip is like a proper or a fix for an episode, and is considered better by sonarr within those qualities, if you have enabled to download propers. That’s why the webrip rerip replaced the webdl.

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I understand the definition of the Rerips. What I don’t understand is:

1 - If WEB-DL is better than WEB-RIP, why would a (proper, rerip, real etc.) replace the better quality release? It is my understanding that WEB-DL is of a higher quality than WEB-RIP, or do I have this wrong?

2 - I can’t seem to remove WEB-Rip from the group, but as you made reference to, you must have more than one, or else it defeats the purpose of a group. I would prefer to just stick to WEB-DL, but I can’t seem to accomplish this.



  1. it is not they’re effectively the same these days

  2. you’d need to remove and drag both out of the group - the 3 lines are what to grab and drag

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Great, thank you very much. I appreciate your help.



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