Hi guys, I have a lot of shows set to download webdl 1080p, which it does just fine. I then rename the eps using filebot to ‘name - S00E00 - title’, But when I later look through the series, sonarr is picking up all these eps as hdtv-720p. So later it tries to replace them with another webdl1080 if it becomes available. Being on capped data I really can’t afford for it to be redownloading stuff I already have…
Is there a way to get sonarr to realise that it already has a webdl-1080?
You will need to update the quality of the episodes for each series from the details screen, ideally you should have the quality in the filename so Sonarr doesn’t need to rely on the extension and make a guess.
I’m not going to rename everything just to suit sonarr. If it can’t recognise them any other way I’ll just have to take more notice of what it’s trying to pull down.
To be clear you’ve been given two solutions which don’t rely on having the quality in the final naming scheme, (though that would solve the issue for new downloads):
Allow Sonarr to do the renaming of things it snatches instead of using Filebot for those items. This way it can determine the quality from the original filename. If you need/want to use Filebot for other non-Sonarr things, I imagine this should still be possible using categories?
If you insist on using filebot, or want to correct this after-the-fact for episodes you’ve already downloaded you can use the “modify episode files” for a given season and/or series from the details screen, and update the relevant episodes to reflect the actual quality.
Also, I had the impression that “Analyse video files” might determine the quality. I can’t vouch for that (and it clearly doesn’t if you already have that advanced option turned on), but it may be worth testing.
It won’t at the moment, but best case scenario if it did would be getting the resolution, so it would still have the wrong quality, HDTV-1080p instead of WEBDL-1080p.